Notice to new growers, please read


Active Member
The best advice bar none is don't rush into a particular medium that you will be growing. Read, ask questions and watch videos on the method you want to tackle and see if its right for YOU! There is NO set easiest method, everyone has problems with every method and some rock at them too. Its all about what fits your environment, yield requirements and what your comfortable tackling.... .

That's very good advice but it doesn't work for everyone. Some people don't learn well by reading or by reading alone. They learn by actually doing, which means making more mistakes than otherwise, asking some ignorant questions and some important questions too late but that's their style. For such people, their first grow is going to be their education which means it may be less than a success but that's not the point.

Both methods have their advantages. A lot of newbies who have done their reading misunderstand what they read or misapply it simply because they don't have any experience.