Now I Know Why Peeps Love Clones


Well-Known Member
man growing from seed is so fucking brutal. Should I be a little bit frustrated? I mean i reaearched i spent lots of money, worked hard to build my setup and at the end of the day 2 out of 11 plants are female. BRUTAL, correct me if i am wrong guys but man this is an agrevaying aspect of mj cultivating from seed"-( now if i get unlucky and 1 or even both go hermi on me:spew:


Well-Known Member
If you have very limited space I can see how it could be annoying. I guess I have been fortunate, I get way more females than males. If you have no room for a permanent mother I guess you can get 1 female from seed, grow it out and cut however many clones you need to fill the space and then flower everything.


Well-Known Member
man growing from seed is so fucking brutal. Should I be a little bit frustrated? I mean i reaearched i spent lots of money, worked hard to build my setup and at the end of the day 2 out of 11 plants are female. BRUTAL, correct me if i am wrong guys but man this is an agrevaying aspect of mj cultivating from seed"-( now if i get unlucky and 1 or even both go hermi on me:spew:
That sucks dude you just got really bad luck


Well-Known Member
very fortunate grow OB, I was hoping for 3 but in all farness the 4 kush havnt been put into 12/12 so i can still far better than 2, maybe ill hit 6:-) yeah that is why i was hoping for atleast 3 of the 7 bubbilicious plants to be ladies cause i was gonna keep one in my veg area in constant veg to cut from. Now with only 2 i dunno, fingers crossed that some of the kush come through


Well-Known Member
yeah it does seem with things in life that on the grand skeem of things just arent really important I do seem to come up short on. But when it counts and something is really important I am fortunatem SO ill take it. But your right still sucks ass. Like i said though I could be eating these words if the kush turn out ok. They are about 2 weeks behind the bubs,gonna move them to flower room in 2 weeks