Nukes, Nuclear, Can it be done better???


Well-Known Member
Whats with all the nukes and missles around the world. Hawaii is within reach apparently. This sucks, realty already sucks there with the volcano and EP. Anyways why is it we are so calm. Can we 100% shoot down ICBMs? We need to do all we can in order to make nuclear power exspensive and obsolete. Cheap power for everyone would end world hunger. With water and electricity millions have shown one can grow "food".


New Member
Whats with all the nukes and missles around the world. Hawaii is within reach apparently. This sucks, realty already sucks there with the volcano and EP. Anyways why is it we are so calm. Can we 100% shoot down ICBMs? We need to do all we can in order to make nuclear power exspensive and obsolete. Cheap power for everyone would end world hunger. With water and electricity millions have shown one can grow "food".
For countries like Iran, Syria, N. Korea, the gov't control of the reactors make enrichment possible. If you can give them the power, and take away enrichment, you have your solution. China and S. Korea could easily supply N. Norea with power with only a few nuclear reactors. You just need to resolve the waste issue. They have a modeled reactor for residential use now. If a private company markets their residential units to N. Korea at a cheaper price, than it would remove that dictator's desire for nuclear power. And so on with Iran and Syria.

Nuclear power is the best way to create energy known to man. But the waste and enrichment possibilities are the main issues holding back nuclear energy. Despite what you would think, nuclear reactors are remarkably safe. And hopefully with all these space explorations we can find solutions for the waste problem. Get wind and solar out of your head as primary solutions. Wind and solar only supplements the demand. No matter how utopian it sounds, it just does not harness enough energy to meet our needs.

There's also been some advancements in cold fusion recently. That would surpass nuclear by creating the same amount of energy without producing heat or waste.


Well-Known Member
Yea, unless everyone was freekin rich and owned land, and lived on one plane, no towers. Rural suppliment i say for sure. Yea Nuc energy is just steam power time hundred.