Nute deficiency or nute lock?


Active Member
It's really weird, other than the yellowing I don't really see anything. I see no leaf margin roll, no curl up or down, no burnt edges or tips, nothing. I do say that the purple coming out in the leaves looks like normal for a purple strain, what strain is it?
The hairs on the buds are turning brown, which is an indication of maturing, are you SURE they are only 5 weeks in to flower? It looks like to me they are nearing harvest, which would account for the yellowing.


It's really weird, other than the yellowing I don't really see anything. I see no leaf margin roll, no curl up or down, no burnt edges or tips, nothing. I do say that the purple coming out in the leaves looks like normal for a purple strain, what strain is it?
The hairs on the buds are turning brown, which is an indication of maturing, are you SURE they are only 5 weeks in to flower? It looks like to me they are nearing harvest, which would account for the yellowing.
I flipped to 12/12 on Dec 10th, it was pre flowering at about 7 weeks veg. 5 weeks today in flower. I don't know the strain, the seeds were given to me. I have four more of these going a couple weeks apart, this one is the oldest. It has tons of trics and they are still clear. Wouldn't it be nice if it's a killer purple, early finish strain? LOL

first 3 pics 1 week 12/12
next 2, 3 weeks
last 2 pics yesterday 5 weeks

I have to feed today, I have to decide what, if anything, I should change. I am always leery because one wrong change and everything falls apart.



Active Member
I really think she is nearing harvest. Everything looks good, good trich production, and the hairs are starting to turn brown. I see nothing wrong with the plant except the yellowing, which is normal at the end. Not sure I would feed anymore, but that's your call. I think I would just ride this one out and you can always harvest when and if she takes a turn for the worse.


Well-Known Member
Your flowering plants look like they need more food, they show signs of lock out. I think I mentioned in one of your other questions the importance of pH. If you can't get the cal-mag than I would feed at the recommended on your bottles. You still have 3 weeks to go so feeding is not an issue right now. IMHO you got Nitrogen/Iron issues that could be caused by low pH ( to me anything lower that 6.5 is bad, the optimum is 7.0) so fix your pH and hit them with full food. You will see the colour come back and good growth start again. Doing this will cause no harm.

In the last 2 weeks of flower it is normal for the bottom fan leaves to yellow and drop.

I do not recommend treating for single elements as this can cause other issues.

Element Deficiency

Nitrogen Leaves turn a very light color and start to turn yellow starting at the base of the plant first. Plants growth slows dramatically.

Phosphorus Leaves turn a dark green or grey with blotches. Long term deficiency results in poor root formation.
Calcium New leaves never develop and stay small and dry. Long term deficiency stunts growth and causes poor root formation.
Magnesium Leaves turn yellow and develop brown spots but leaf veins stay green. Buds do not develop.
Potassium Leaves turn brown with dark splotches then yellow and they curl up.
Sulphur Leaf veins turn yellow and leaves become very dark near the stem of the plant.
Boron Stems become torn with brown tips and leaves become spindly.
Iron Leaves dry out and turn crinkly while veins stay green.
Manganese Leaves develop a mottled appearance and growth virtually stops.
Zinc Growth rate of plant slows or stops entirely.
Copper, Molybdenum and other trace elements Leaves turn dark brown and fall off.


Active Member
Do you use molaseses? to me dude looks great and gettin close to the end ,some of what your seeing mabe just the strain,and the purple. and the the big mother leafs will fall of afther theve done there job, no expert an cant spell but look good to me mabe a faster harvest,hope this helps some , just my 2 cent


I like all the comments and this is what I'm doing right now taking all this great info into account... I am feeding full strength 4-10-7 (organic) only this feed starting with 6.5, after I check run off I will flush nutrients through until I get the PH up a bit. I do use Malasses every other water. just hearing you say she looks good really puts my mind at ease. And with 3 more of these coming up I will know a little more.

keep em coming!