

Well-Known Member
My plants are doing awesome.
They have been growing for about 3 weeks and I havent used any nutes. I feel like the plants are strong and healthy and could use a little bit of nutrients. I went out and bought Miracle Grow All Purpose Plant Food. The directions say to mix 1.5 TBS per gallon for outdoor plants and mix 0.5 tsp per gallon for indoor plants.
So which do I choose?
I have a small indoor grow with 200 watts HPS
I am using a potting soil with added nutes and Ive added perlite to the mix


Well-Known Member
what ratio of perlite? like.. 1/3 or 1/2 (did it take up a third of your mix, or a half so to speak, or a quarter etc..) and what nutes are u talking about (the added ones). the miracle grow is really a bad choice if you want to get yield and quality. i have used it and even in the most small proportions it is acidic as fuck and throws nutrient solution burn on my mama. So what I say is, fuck that, go with a low count organic nutrient at some garden stores/nurseries in your area, you can find them online if you are in any major city etc..., search "garden shops" or "nurseries" near <city, state> (without <>)


Well-Known Member
the miracle grow is really a bad choice if you want to get yield and quality. i have used it and even in the most small proportions it is acidic as fuck and throws nutrient solution burn on my mama.
thanks for the info platinumkasse. I guess next time Ill invest in some organic soil and nutes. Id say I have about 1/3 perlite, maybe even a little less.
I just want to make sure I dont use too much nutes... that seems to be a problem with some growers.