Nutrient Brand

Try Greenleaves...only fertilizer that has a built in ph detection and buffer to help maintain 6.0-6.5 ph

They make Greenleaves grow juice for Veg... Bloom juice for flower & Boost juice to add for supplimental nutes needed

alot of people use fertilze to much or they mix it to strong ....they get a salt build up in their soil and the results.... burning on the outside of the leaves or the plants leaves starting to die....they end up flushing the rootball out with water

I have found as a general rule for growing in can use any fertilzer everytime you water but only use 1/2 the amount of what the directions call for.

Example.... I use greenleaves grow juice...directions call for 1 oz fertilizer per gallon of water...... I use 1/3-1/2 oz per gallon everytime I water...I never have a problem with nute lock

The reason I use Greenleaves fertilizer.. added to your tap water it will turn the water different colors to show PH levels of the water...that and the end results are always great big colas:leaf:

The ESU Greenleaves Grow Juice formulation is completely soluble and contains the major and secondary nutrients including nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium and magnesium that are essential for plant growth. Greenleaves Grow Juice contains a color coded pH monitor which yields acidic pH (6.0-6.5) when mixed with distilled or tap water. The applicable color scale and corresponding pH are as follows: yellow ph 6.0-6.7; orange ph 6.8-7.8; purple: greater than 7.8.

Greenleaves Bloom Juice is prepared by mixing Greenleaves Grow Juice with extra phosphate to facilitate the flowering response in plants.

The Greenleaves Boost Juice formulation contains high potency vitamin B1 (Thiamine) and natural auzin to enhance plant growth during the crucial stages of the grow and bloom cycles. The biosynthesis of these essential compounds often cannot keep pace with their utilization, especially if the plants are grown under greenhouse conditions and high light intensities. This problem is easily overcome by supplementing the nutrient solution with Greenleaves Boost Juice. The beneficial effects of this product will be most evident at harvest time when your plants will reward you with big beautiful flowers and luscious vegetables. Greenleaves boost Juice works especially well with soil-grown or hydroponic plants

Nutrient talk is all i wanted to do when I first replied on this thread. It's all good though.

Speaking of nutes, does anyone have any experience with the BioBizz line of nutes? I want to switch to something organic for my next grow, and the BioBizz line is looking appealing.