Nutrient Burn?


Active Member
I'm growing in soil using tube fluoros (I have a 400w HPS for flowering) and a half strength of 25-10-10, the tips of some leaves are slighyl lighter green and the very tip is yellow/brownish; this is only happening to one of my "tomato" plants. What should I do to fix this problem? Should I put this one plant back to pure water or maybe use even less nutrients? I'm not entirely sure what the problem is, it might not even be nutrient burn, that why I need some advice.
Thanks in advance.




Well-Known Member
i think this is what neut burn is.... lol your plants look 100% good, lighter coloring is 100% normal, but shit like i have here is some bad burn...

dont freak unless u have what i have here haha


Well-Known Member
nice tip Silky. the only concern I see is the very new growth at the main shoot-looks an unhappy green-could be the lights, could be that is how she rolls. only way to judge is to watch how the leaves unfold as the mature. the tips could be caused by using tap water-chlorine-which plants do need in very small amounts. if it progresses no further than just let your water sit out overnight if using tap.
it could be nute burn as well. is that MG soil?


Active Member
nice tip Silky. the only concern I see is the very new growth at the main shoot-looks an unhappy green-could be the lights, could be that is how she rolls. only way to judge is to watch how the leaves unfold as the mature. the tips could be caused by using tap water-chlorine-which plants do need in very small amounts. if it progresses no further than just let your water sit out overnight if using tap.
it could be nute burn as well. is that MG soil?
Yeah the previous growths came out similar to that colour and then they darken, I use filtered water and I let it sit before using it, and it's not miraclegro it's an organic mix sold by a local garden store.

And for the tip from silky, I'm already using half strength should I mix it thinner?


Well-Known Member
I think u r fine-just be careful not to overwater. obvioulsy if it progresses down the tip past where it is now, than back off.


Well-Known Member
Nute burn has more necrosis(brown dead spots).. some say the tip thing is from un evaporated (remove chlorine) water, but I'm not sure..I've got some of that but don't worry..just watch for a progression......... Luck...
They look healthy to me...