Nutrient Question.


Well-Known Member
Alright, my plants are starting to need nutrients and I've decided I will start to introduce them to some. The stuff I have is MG All-Purpose Plant Food 24-8-16. The directions say to put in a specific amount (Don't want to go and read it again... too stoned). I've heard to introduce your plants to nutrients by 1/4 the amount of the dose it says. Is this true or should I use half?


Well-Known Member
use 1/8 when it comes to MG nutes, they are pretty hot. After 2 weeks go to 1/4 and up by 1/4 each 2 weeks until you have full strength.


Well-Known Member
what brand of nutes should I use? what levels are best?
Dopeman09.... The three I recommend are Earth Juice (a little chuncky for hydro), Bontanicare (pricey but smooth as silk) and Blue Mountain Organics (sold on Ebay - real good quality, great price). Start with a quarter strength mix, at week four, increase by one quarter every two weeks until full strength is reached. Don't exceed full strength. Water weekly, feed every two weeks. This avoids the two biggest grow problems - Overwatering & Overfertilizing.
Don't use Miracle Grow - it's chemically rendered - petroluem waste byproducts - made into a almost toxic (strength) sugar mix with food coloring. Yuck.....don't feed Mary that shit.....
Check out the Organic threads - good info on growing healthy bud - cheaply.
Keep it Real...Organic....


Well-Known Member
How much is 1/16 teaspoon? Lulz, it says use 1/2 teaspoon per gallon so 1/2 x 1/8 is 1/16....

how does that work out?


Well-Known Member
use a gram scale ( All good pot growers got one or 2 or 3) and weigh out what they say to use for full strength, then divide that by 8 and you got your answer. its going to seem like a ridiculously small amount of fert, but believe me its powerful stuff . you won't see any effects for a few days so don't worry. If you see any yellowish/tan spots developing on the leaves or the tips of the leaves getting crispy, that's a good sign of nute burn.


Well-Known Member
use a gram scale ( All good pot growers got one or 2 or 3) and weigh out what they say to use for full strength, then divide that by 8 and you got your answer. its going to seem like a ridiculously small amount of fert, but believe me its powerful stuff . you won't see any effects for a few days so don't worry. If you see any yellowish/tan spots developing on the leaves or the tips of the leaves getting crispy, that's a good sign of nute burn.
Sorry. Just got our connection back to the internet. Well, I haven't started with the nutrients yet, although I forced them into Flowering about 2-3 days ago by giving them 24 hrs of dark and now they get 12 hrs light 12 hrs dark.

I haven't started to feed them the nutes yet, but I'm concerned because they are already getting yellow/burnt tips and the leaves are a bit crispy. I think it may be the soil is getting acidic. They've been in there for a quite a while under some crappy light so I may get bigger pots/more lights.

I'll try and post a pic later.