Nutritional Facts For Eating Marjiuana

Miracle Smoke

Well-Known Member
For instance if you eat the bud,
does it contain protein, or etc.

I have heard the seeds are a high-source
of protein.

Is there any other information


Weed Guy

Master Roller
I dunno, but ive subscribed to this thread coz i would like to know lol. Wikipedia/Google that shit:)


Well-Known Member
its got benifits similar to other herbs used in the kitchen, well except for how it alters you body and mind. I ate a bunch of weed brownies one night the first time ever and man that shit was not fun to say the least:spew:ill stick to smokin the refer


Active Member
I heard that marijuana seeds are very nutritious, they contain fatty acids, better than flax seed oil which is supposed to be the best. i dont know about buds, but i surely will start eating seeds as soon as i get some from my plants.


Well-Known Member
i made pot brownies once but i also smoked when i ate them so i dont know if it did anything. does eating weed food actually get you high? i guess so or else people wouldnt do it right?