Nys legal marijuana?


Well-Known Member
^^^ if only NY had voter props, but we don't, so tough shit for us
i don't know of any good MMJ that didn't result from voter props, Washington state maybe they were a legislature MMJ
the one thing i heard(way too late) was Paladino raised the possibility of creating a voter referendum for MMJ, but that's ashes now


Well-Known Member
Honestly, as a devoted pothead, I think it was worth the trade. The trade being having MMJ still illegal vs. Having Paladino for governor. I wonder what would happen if NYC had its own referendum for it, and went up against the state. Shit, the town I used to live next to was marrying gays before it was even cool. (New Paltz) Why not have municipality MMJ laws? Especially for a city of 8 million, thats more than a lot of states have alone. (If NYC was its own state it would rank 12th in population, above Virginia). That should def carry some weight. As goes NYC, usually goes the state.

^^^ if only NY had voter props, but we don't, so tough shit for us
i don't know of any good MMJ that didn't result from voter props, Washington state maybe they were a legislature MMJ
the one thing i heard(way too late) was Paladino raised the possibility of creating a voter referendum for MMJ, but that's ashes now


Well-Known Member
Honestly, as a devoted pothead, I think it was worth the trade. The trade being having MMJ still illegal vs. Having Paladino for governor. I wonder what would happen if NYC had its own referendum for it, and went up against the state. Shit, the town I used to live next to was marrying gays before it was even cool. (New Paltz) Why not have municipality MMJ laws? Especially for a city of 8 million, thats more than a lot of states have alone. (If NYC was its own state it would rank 12th in population, above Virginia). That should def carry some weight. As goes NYC, usually goes the state.
a municipal referendum would be real interesting, i believe that is possible in NY
passing it in NYC would be a major breakthrough, not sure how likely that is
but a small town overrun with stoners, that's doable
not sure how the state would deal with that


Well-Known Member
Bloomberg was a major supporter of the MMJ bill if I remember correctly.

a municipal referendum would be real interesting, i believe that is possible in NY
passing it in NYC would be a major breakthrough, not sure how likely that is
but a small town overrun with stoners, that's doable
not sure how the state would deal with that


Active Member
Now for the facts.

There already was a bill passed in Senate in July 2010 however Gov. Paterson vetoed it along with many other over the summer. It has now been about 7 months and we have elected an assclown that has come out publicly saying he has smoked pot but see no medical use or value and will only cause more problems then it does good and he will not support any MMJ legasltion.

So bottom line 2012 is the next election and the next chance NYS state will get to put someone in office who will suport MMJ laws or we could end up re electing Coumo.

NYS would rether give me 90 Moriphine Pills and 120 time release Moriphine pills 120 Muscle relaxers and 120 fast active non narcotic pain killer every month then let me treat pain with pot.

Good job NY another addict to pain killers on the way.
Yo wyteberrywidow......... So dude where the hell did you disappear too ? Apparently here. So where the hell are my beans dude. They never showed and its just kinda funny that you disappeared as soon as the gear I sent you arrived with you. You know where to find me..... alittle explaination would be nice
