obama flips off mccain what a gentlman


Well-Known Member
Happy Black President Day Eve!

Wasn't there some story back in the spring about Obama flipping off Hillary too?

What a crock. First that silly girl scratching her own face, then that story about shutting down the coal industry from back in January (which even Faux News did not pick up), and now this...

Drudge has really lost in IMO.
Why yes there was a report of him doing this, and guess who reported it.............................................. DRUDGE. Because, Drudge dredges up dead garbage and spews it out.


Well-Known Member
maj burn! you got me gooder you did!

nothing worse when someone doesn't realize they got burned. instead they try and get the last words in, and it's always lame.
.......yea but, are you the asshole or the piece of shit.

PWND??? PWND??? PWND??? are u actually using that term and then puttin a smiley after it??!!!?? what a Faaaaaaag.. , get laid much? yeah thats what i was aiming for, getting the last word in on a net geek who lives on a political weed forum. a real ms cleo here. you real PWND me tough guy. im hiding in a corner now. you "burned" me. ...your boxers must have some big tumbleweeds in them anyone who thinks they PWN anyone on a webforum just completely sucks at life and has only fought someone with a space bar... your worthless. my original post wasnt even aimed at you anyway but fuckboy has to get his two cents in.. your a coward.


New Member
Thats the kind of asshole we need in the Whitehouse and his Bitchass wife too? You forgot to mention he was congratulating Mccain on a good race. Why bother if you planed to flip him off! Just shows Barrack Husein Obama ( sound like muslim to me) is a real Chicago Dickhead politician and a backstabber. The American people are gonna take it in the ass if he become president because he is allready flipping us all off and laughung about it! Terrorist do the same shit. Smile and tell you what you want to hear and then flip your as offf and do what they said they would not! Same as Obama!
Sounds like sour grapes. One shouldn't talk about their future president like that, BTW, do you have a bitchass wife?.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
This entire statement should be preceded by the word "DUH."
Thats the kind of asshole we need in the Whitehouse and his Bitchass wife too? You forgot to mention he was congratulating Mccain on a good race. Why bother if you planed to flip him off! Just shows Barrack Husein Obama ( sound like muslim to me) is a real Chicago Dickhead politician and a backstabber. The American people are gonna take it in the ass if he become president because he is allready flipping us all off and laughung about it! Terrorist do the same shit. Smile and tell you what you want to hear and then flip your as offf and do what they said they would not! Same as Obama!


New Member
Thats what its all about right there. Thats why there are Obama haters. They don't like dark skinned people. Doesn't matter how smart they are. Doesn't matter how compassionate they are. Doesn't matter how qualified they are. All that matters is that pesky pigmentation. They can't find anything of actual substance to use against Obama... so they have to come up with baseless rumors and bullshit pictures to twist them into something that they aren't. Rednecks are so intellectually stunted its unreal.
I'm a redneck and I voted for Obama.......


Well-Known Member
I'm a redneck and I voted for Obama.......

LMAO :lol: :lol: :lol: , No your not you just live a redneck lifestyle Like Me LMAO :lol: :lol: :lol:

and your response proves your not.......you let his generalization assist him on placing his foot in his mouf, it happens to the best of us, It's just that some don't care about wearing a size 13 in theirs


Well-Known Member
I like both candidates for a lot of reasons. I think Obama is going to be a little more open minded to the younger generations wants and needs. Although it really pisses me off that he wants to give illegals "free" health care while I'm paying $7,500 a year for mine ( in a state where its mandatory to have health insurance). He also wants to make all kinds of ridiculous gun laws which are going to take guns away from the people who deserve them. Criminals will get their hands on them either way. Yet as far as federal decriminalization of Marijuana I think he's our only hope.
Mccain on the other hand, without a shadow of a doubt has more experience (life and Political), and has a very passionate view of his country. I believe that if he is elected we will continue the senseless war in Iraq and the surrounding countries and continue crawling further into international debt. Palin, although not very savvy to the ways of political leadership, did wonders as far as cleaning up the corruption in the state. And if she could do that in Washington I don't think any of us could fathom the consequences of her actions. Whether they be good or bad. We are either going to have an African American as President, or possibly a Woman someday( Mccain is getting up there in age). This is going to piss people off. Thats a give in. To be honest I don't know Who i'm voting for, even today. All I know is I've voting yes on Prop #2 Decriminalization of up to an OZ. We'll see how i fell in the booth. Either way, its gotta be better than who we've been stuck with the last eight years.....


Well-Known Member
And I don't like how the "Race Card" has helped Obama so much. A lot of not so intellectual people have been tricked into thinking that if they don't vote for him then they've got to be racist. I don't think that's right. Also he's not even black... He's muslim. Ya know, like the countries we've been at war with for the last eight years. ??? seems kinda weird to me.


Well-Known Member
And his wife's College thesis was essentially a BLACK POWER statement. I've read it start to finish and if that's how she truly feels, and if he shares that feeling, then white people are FUCKED... I hope it was just written in a time where that was the norm for her college, not just some radical ideas she came up with herself.


Well-Known Member
Well, I thought you were moderate, but I mite be wrong.:cry:

He ISN"T muslim, he never said he was. He goes to a church, I guess tham makes him 'christian' (which isn't any better or worse than muslim, they are both religions who wish world dominance and obesiance to thier 'God'). I ain't the one to determine his race, I figure it is fucking HUMAN like mine (what I put in the race blank every time). Don't say it isn't a race issue then make it one, you have just spoiled your own credibility.


Well-Known Member
I only said it that way because the candidates themselves have made it a race issue. and his family IS MUSLIM and he went to a MUSLIM school and his name BARRACK HUSSEIN OBAMA is MUSLIM. so I really don't understand how you think he's predominately African American. I have no problem with African Americans or Muslims, so to me its not a race issue. I just think that he's trying to appeal to the African American crowd by calling himself that


Well-Known Member
i'm gonna ban this user for spamming the drudge report. lol

just kidding. i just voted. it's over. woooooo hooooooooo :) now i can go back to getting high.


Well-Known Member
Whatever man that's why I hate politics. Everyone who has a view is wrong by someone elses standard. And I am probably going to vote for Obama anyways puff, All i'm saying is it's all smoke and mirrors man. Whoever wins we'll see their true face in a year or two. Until then we can just hope for the best


Well-Known Member
Well, I thought you were moderate, but I mite be wrong.:cry:

He ISN"T muslim, he never said he was. He goes to a church, I guess tham makes him 'christian' (which isn't any better or worse than muslim, they are both religions who wish world dominance and obesiance to thier 'God'). I ain't the one to determine his race, I figure it is fucking HUMAN like mine (what I put in the race blank every time). Don't say it isn't a race issue then make it one, you have just spoiled your own credibility.
Yeah, I was with him for a while and then :confused: :confused:. But I would like to know what was said in her Black Power speech that troubled you. I haven't read it but what interest me more is what brought fear into your heart. Help me understand what that fear is b/c the term Black Power means something completely different to me.....then/now.....:-?