Obama is it because he is Black or Democrat

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New Member
I like to think people voted for him because he was the best choice. The republicans attack him because they want the power. And yes at times they do exploit the fact he isnt white


Active Member
I like to think people voted for him because he was the best choice.
This is the mentality of the American public, stop drinking the koolaid, it's not about the best choice for the public in general, if it were things would be getting better, if you are capable, please look for the big picture, thank you.

Jack Fate

New Member
I didnt want to but its beyond obvious at this point wouldn't you say?
Pulling out the race card is the bottom of the barrel for the left. The left is standing on its last leg and it's crumbling all around them so racist smears is all they have left. Sick stuff.
he is half white

I hate him because he isnt qualified to be leading shit, let alone the Greatest Country IN THE WORLD.
He has no balls and caters to the welfare cases by giving all my money to them so they can stay fat and lazy.
I hate him because he is a smug piece of shit that is ruining our country.
and most of all I hate him because he is a politician and they all can suck my hairy ass.


Active Member
Obama thinks government is the answer to any problem, I disagree. A lot of Americans disagree with the way he governs, not the color of his skin. People on this forum, scream about Bush to this day, even though he has been not been president for 3 years. Is it because he is white? No it’s because they don’t like his policies. Sure some people will hate people for no reason; but reducing the reasons people object to the President’s policies to race is ignorant.


Active Member
It has nothing to do with his race (except for maybe <1% of people who dislike him). Since day 1 he has pushed and pushed for policies that further bankrupt our country, hurt business, and keep people down.

This could go on forever. When you are intentionally trying to run a country in the ground and "fundamentally change" the greatest country into the world inot a socialist country, yeah, you'll be hated.


Active Member
Yeah, my plants are more American!!!! ha ha

We need a fiscal conservative and social liberal. Now is not the time to worry about abortion, homos, and "god."

I say abort all the unwanted kids, let the homos get married and be miserable, and leave this "god" (or allah, whatever they are both ridiculous) out of governing decisions.

Of course the liberals are going to pull the race card. Why wouldn't you when you know all your policies have been killing our country?


Well-Known Member
This thread is just terrible; Have fun with your half truths and insults while it lasts I guess.


Well-Known Member
hahaha foreal that bastard shouldnt be in office, however i would like to fire probably 90% of the White house too fuck them we need to reorganize this sad "government of the people"


New Member
he is half white

I hate him because he isnt qualified to be leading shit, let alone the Greatest Country IN THE WORLD.
He has no balls and caters to the welfare cases by giving all my money to them so they can stay fat and lazy.
I hate him because he is a smug piece of shit that is ruining our country.
and most of all I hate him because he is a politician and they all can suck my hairy ass.
Its posts like these not grounded in reality or facts that make me think racist


Well-Known Member
Its posts like these not grounded in reality or facts that make me think racist
hahah yeah missed that line there..the Greatest Country IN THE WORLD....like what the fuck, i mean lets all be honest here, if this isnt the biggest crock of shit


Well-Known Member
Every consider the fact that he simply isnt qualified? I think his record over the last few years explains a lot. I know he took over during bad times. Not only has he NOT been able to turn things around we are still bleeding like a stuck pig and its only getting worse



Well-Known Member
It has nothing to do with his race (except for maybe <1% of people who dislike him). Since day 1 he has pushed and pushed for policies that further bankrupt our country, hurt business, and keep people down.

This could go on forever. When you are intentionally trying to run a country in the ground and "fundamentally change" the greatest country into the world inot a socialist country, yeah, you'll be hated.
ha, socialism.

2008 called. they want their smear campaign back.


Well-Known Member
lol yea those mean a whole lot, get the fuck outta here theres still tons of shit fucked besides the god awful stock market that i believe is down as usual today
lol yeah facts and evidence dont mean jack shit... :roll:
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