Obama Isn't Sweating It.


Well-Known Member
Obama is like a confident prize fighter who doesnt work out or train for an upcoming fight because the fix is in and his manager (the media) has cherry picked a lineup of third rate (Top Tier) "bums" for him to trounce on...

Here are the Bums...





Well-Known Member
the right wingers in this country have clung to those "third rate bums" like they were the chosen ones.


have fun running romney. him or huntsman is all you have at this point (as much as i like gary johnson).

Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
I don't know what else to say to either one of those. It's so sad to think these people are the ones running for office.

Sad isn't even the word, i don't know what it is bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
i would have to disagree, obama is actively gathering resources for the upcoming race as quick as he can while letting his opponents kill themselves politically in some way or another. i am very tired of our government lately and the way it operates but i know i will be voting for obama. hopefully he will win and then in 2016 russ feingold will get the democratic nomination and win the election. while they are both far from perfect they are imo much better than the alternatives.


Well-Known Member
i wonder if these guys are the last remnants of the "jock mentality"

obama not even knowing how many states are in america among other things and then there is The bush.

but yes, this is the kinda thing, that makes you stare with slack jaw for a few moments before your brain just kinda tries to ignore this as a ridiculous impossibility, i mean how the fuck did these guys get into that position and how the fuck did they make all that money? (Sucking banker cock? cause it sure wasnt anything remotely intellectual..)


Well-Known Member
and yes, i do wonder if they literally sucked bankers cock to get into that position.


New Member
The good Republicans wont run because they know they will lose. And yes I hope Feingold comes back. His replacement hasnt done anything other than vote for the rich


New Member
i wonder if these guys are the last remnants of the "jock mentality"

obama not even knowing how many states are in america among other things and then there is The bush.

but yes, this is the kinda thing, that makes you stare with slack jaw for a few moments before your brain just kinda tries to ignore this as a ridiculous impossibility, i mean how the fuck did these guys get into that position and how the fuck did they make all that money? (Sucking banker cock? cause it sure wasnt anything remotely intellectual..)
Um yeah sure whatever. You never made a mistake. I am sure being on the Harvard law revue and a professor of Constitutional law makes Obama a lot more qualified to be president than you


Well-Known Member
Conservativism is by it's very definition bankrupt of new ideas. They have a very valid place in the political universe - they are the ones who point backwards "see? it was better then" is their refrain but by doing this they demonstrate that they cannot be expected to do anything different, they can only go back to Reagan or the signing of the Constitution or before income taxes or before welfare or before social security.

Republicans, however are by nature inclusive of most divisive minorities. They embrace those who would impose strict social order upon the rest of us. The list of things Republicans hate is so long that they cannot find good people to serve as their leaders because any individual that actually exposes what holds republicans together - hatred, illuminates for all those to see - just how crazy that individual and consequently his party really is. The problem is compartmentalization - Republicans compartmentalize and as long as their leaders don't actually attempt to unwind and explain all this compartmentalization, all is well, if they do, you get a cain or a perry or a bachmann or a romney.