Well-Known Member
Why would we trade hostages for a Taliban member? are u guys serious lmao?? Show me. I need proof. If he was seeking out the Taliban why would he be held hostage by them? I'm confused on this bit...seems to shit on ur talking points a little. Could be wrong but it doesn't add up for me.
No offense ayr0n, but you need to gather your facts before you make posts. Members of his platoon, sent in search of him, were told that by local villagers. He was held "hostage" ( and I use that term loosely as I have never seen a hostage released fatter than they were beforehand ) as a bargaining chip ( and someone who could provide much logistical information to the Taliban, which happened ). Before you go beleiving the lies on MSNBC, consider this point: Why would the military make the members of his platoon sign agreements that they would not discuss his desertion? But guess what? Those men are speaking up regardless of the shit piece of paper that were basically forced to sign. They are angry that a deserter is being made out to be a hero in the media when they ALL know it isn't the truth.
Seek the truth ary0n, seek the truth.