Obama signs "Honoring America’s Veterans" act


Well-Known Member
I would go a step further. The concept of inalienable (the word "unalienable" is new to me and dysphonious with its use of a Germanic prefix on a Latin root) rights was revolutionary in its day. The only reason it's in our cultural vocabulary is because two of those revolutions (USA, France; am I forgetting others?) "took".
But all human rights can be alienated, abridged or simply withheld, except for the one so-far truly inalienable: to die. All others require negotiation between individual and state. Jmo. cn

<edit> I may need to correct myself - Wiktionary sees a useful difference in the terminology. "Unalienable" seems to be a specialist term, "not transferable or assignable".

Careful reading of our Constitution reveals that your right to life, liberty and property cannot be taken from you without due process. Which means that WITH due process they can. Thus the only right you truely have is that due process. Now, the right to process is nonsenical if there is no government from which that due process is gotten. That being the case, Due process is actually not a God given and God ordained Right but one granted to you by... Government. In actuality the totality of your rights, are government issued.

I know this comes as a bitter pill to those who actually hold the idea that somehow God imbued each human with this set of rights. I will continue to spout the same high sounding logic because it sounds so much better and explains the way the Consitution is written (shall not be infringed, or shall not be abridged), but the reality is far different.

BTW, you don't have an unabridged right to die. This country frowns upon that "right" as well as in 49 states you cannot enlist the help of any other in order to excercise that right. So, unless you are physicaly and mentaly capable of taking your own life, you are shit out of luck.


Active Member
Harassing the family members of a dead vet is the act of a coward. They know damn well that what they are doing is hateful and to me the act of a coward.
Beating anyone for practicing free speech & peaceful assembly is more so the act of a coward, than those practicing these rights.

Anyone who physically assaults someone practicing their rights, knows damn well what they are doing, and it's a futile attempt to deny someone of their rights, at that given time. Thus it's the act of a coward, because only cowards try to deny other's rights via physical threats & assault.

I have a bank envelope in our safe at home with $1500 in it for such occasions. It's my "oops I got pinched and need bail $ fund.". I'm no bully, but I'd gladly take a charge for defending a bets family and allowing them
to bury their loved one in peace.
It's great that you can bail yourself out, but $1500 is pocket change as to what you will pay for physically assaulting someone, for what is not legally justified in any way, shape, or form.

Maybe it's because I'm a veteran, maybe it's because I have some kind of basic respect for people. If they wanna protest they have that right, just have some decency and don't harass a dead vets family. You don't see vets protesting and harrassing dead hippies families.
If you had a full sense of respect for people, you wouldn't threaten to deny them of their rights with physical force and/or intimidation. That's not respect, it's cowardice.

Again, free speech & peaceful assembly in the sense of this argument is not harassment. Of course the courts would like to change this, because society lacks thick-skin, and the courts love infringing on rights because of such people lacking thick-skin.

They wanna gather in a large group, so will we. They want to get people's ire up and they do. Save the morality bullshit for someone else. I have 0 respect for those fucks, spineless religious nuts. Let's see Jesus save them
from the beatings they all deserve.
And one who physically attempts to deny free speech & peaceful protest with physical force & intimidation, deserves no respect as well, and much less respect than someone simply practicing their rights. One who practices this type of right-denying cowardice, deserves beatings as well.

Sometimes standing up for what's right and decent isn't easy and involves risk. These people know damn well the reaction they're gonna get, they ask for it. You don't poke a bear and then act shocked when
said bear rips off your legs
The only reason they get the reaction they get, is because society is filled with cowards who lack thick-skin.

Preserving rights, is what's right. Denying rights on any premise is unacceptable. Sometimes it involves risk practicing rights, such as these protest-group gatherings.

Religion ultimately has no bearing on the basis of the argument, even though it's the premise as to why they are conducting themselves the way they are.

It's a free speech & peaceful assembly issue, first and foremost. Not a religious issue.