Obama's Choice, FDR or Reagan (or a different president all together)

No need to say anything further, Pada. If you honestly believe that McCain is a "conservative," then you have shown your cards to the entire table. :lol:


Conservative, Republican, Neocon, Fundamentalist Right-Winger, etc... the general stereotype of that group of people, like Bush, Cheney, McCain, Palin... People who you could tell Obama's plan to as if it were McCains, and they' LOVE it, but then, as soon as you say "oh I was lying, that's actually Obama's plan..." they'd HATE it, solely based on party.

I was just saying that from what I've read throughout RIU, you and a couple other people seem to fit this characteristic. It's always the left that's the devil...
I never like posting in political threads, there is always some fucken idiot who thinks everything you say is wrong and doesn't let you voice your opinion, and will not stop posting his political beliefs until he has transformed you to believe what he does. It's basically an electrical war and a waste of time.
Geeze, it used to be just the three stooges, Vi, TBT, and Jax. Now a fourth stooge has entered the arena with the commie baiting bullshit. Welcome spitzered, or I guess we'll just call hin Spitz. Welcome to the insane asylum of retarded fascists like the above trio. Now you too can post commie hating bullshit as if you even had a clue. Just your average dunce fuckalong. Whooo, Whooo!

Spitzer, former Democratic Gov of NY.

Actively prosecuted those for actions that Spitzer himself was guilty of.

So Med-o-mao, you in fact are spitzering me and others.

Lets chant some slogans. whoo whoo.
did sombody say war? Id say one sides bones have been picked clean


Mickey Rourke: 'I'm not one of those who blames Bush for everything'...



Monday January 12,2009

Actor MICKEY ROURKE sympathises with U.S. President GEORGE W. BUSH - insisting he doesn't know how any politician could have successfully navigated America after the 9/11 attacks on New York.

The Hollywood tough-guy spoke out about his political views in a candid interview with Britain's GQ magazine, and admits he doesn't understand why so many people blame Bush for a string of world issues - including Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism in the West.
And the actor, who claims he didn't follow last year's (08) historic U.S. election battle between Barack Obama and John McCain, urges the public to consider the tremendous pressure the controversial president was under following the terror attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001.
He tells the publication, "President Bush was in the wrong place at the wrong time, I don't know how anyone could have handled this situation.
"I don't give a f**k who's in office, Bush or whoever, there is no simple solution to this problem... I'm not one of those who blames Bush for everything. This s**t between Christians and Muslims goes back to the Crusades, doesn't it.
"It's too easy to blame everything on one guy. These are unpredictable, dangerous times, and I don't think that anyone really knows quite what to do."
Rourke also confesses he was so angry after 9/11, he wanted to fight the war on terror himself.
He adds, "I'm not politically educated. But I do know that after 9/11 I wanted to go over there, you know what I'm saying?"
And the star is baffled by the U.K.'s approach to fundamentalists - insisting he was taken aback by the freedom of speech allowed in the U.K.
He explains, "I was in London recently and I couldn't believe all these hate-talking fanatics you have over here who are allowed to carry on doing their thing even when a bus full of women and children gets blown to pieces.
"I know you've deported one or two of them, but it seems crazy. I think there is worse to come, something terrible will happen to either America or the U.K., or France even. I don't think these fundamentalists should be allowed to talk all this crap, and brainwashing these young kids."

Conservative, Republican, Neocon, Fundamentalist Right-Winger, etc... the general stereotype of that group of people, like Bush, Cheney, McCain, Palin... People who you could tell Obama's plan to as if it were McCains, and they' LOVE it, but then, as soon as you say "oh I was lying, that's actually Obama's plan..." they'd HATE it, solely based on party.

I was just saying that from what I've read throughout RIU, you and a couple other people seem to fit this characteristic. It's always the left that's the devil...

For the most part, McCains plans and Obamas plans stink. They have similar ways about going about things but represent different people. Sometimes they eventually come around and do the right thing but even a blind dog finds a bone.
These two idiots supported "the right of unqualified people to own a house". Although McCain did wake up to this issue in 2006. Too late. They both supported the bailout. They both supported the Patriot Act.
Gee, thanks for helping us out guys.
One need only look to ECONOMIC (not political) history to see that if you invest in GOVT. solutions, you get very little or no growth, i.e., no solution in a timely manner. We will throw into this mix just a few who fit this description.

Coolidge, Reagan, Kennedy. All saw the private sector as the answer. All saw their economies recover in a timely manner, although Reagan blows the charts through the roof. Alas, he had 8 years at the helm, so that helps.

Big Govt. people are easy to remember, but not for the right reasons. FDR, Johnson,OBAMA. Some may say that it is unfair to place Obama there, but he has laid out enough of his "CRISIS" plan, to indicate which group he's in, and leading the pack. Certainly in terms of spending no one will get cose to his numbers. This method has always NOT produced the desired effects on the economy.

This is where a lot of you make your mistakes. I don't get emotional about the issues. I'll leave that to Chris Matthews & Co. I'm not a Republican, I'm not a Democrat.

I believe in a strong economy.......... u don't?

I believe in getting the most out of taxed monies......... u don't?

I belive in making sure US citizens are safe ,......... u don't?

I believe in helping those who cannot help themselves........ u don't?

I could go on but the markets are coming online so ill keep this short.....

I do see the left has good issues, but they don't have a clue how to get there ECONOMICALLY....... there's where we part ways. By the way as many older EX Democrats will tell you. THE PARTY HAS CHANGED......when you look back at Kennedy democrats.....they are NOT YOU. Kennedy would easily be considered a republican today.

Okay gtg......

out. :blsmoke:
Conservative, Republican, Neocon, Fundamentalist Right-Winger, etc... the general stereotype of that group of people, like Bush, Cheney, McCain, Palin... People who you could tell Obama's plan to as if it were McCains, and they' LOVE it, but then, as soon as you say "oh I was lying, that's actually Obama's plan..." they'd HATE it, solely based on party.

I was just saying that from what I've read throughout RIU, you and a couple other people seem to fit this characteristic. It's always the left that's the devil...

I don't fit into any of the categories you listed, Pada. Each person and category you listed, with the exception of Palin, continually promote a larger, more intrusive federal government. I, and other TRUE conservatives on this site are espousing just exactly the opposite. Honestly, you need to hang out here in this forum more often. :)

Don't forget that unemployment doesn't now count the people who aren't (statistically) looking for jobs. So I believe unemployment (UE) must be tres higher than reported vs 1940 or whatever!

Further this "correction" to the UE has to be accounted for to do any comparison.

Reagan was a nascent alzeimer's patient when in office, when asked about the ozone depletion he said "Let em wear sunglasses and raincoats"

FDR was looked upon by the far more trusting people of that generation as a demigod. After he won 3 terms they term limited the presidency.
See, what you don't get is, we, the United states government, is responsible for most of the squalor on the planet. By supporting dictatorships accross the globe for the benefit of US corporations; IE raping their natural resources and cheap labor, we have contributed to poverty world wide. The situation is coming home to haunt us now, all because of the greed of people like you. I realize that you don't give a damn as long as you have yours, but that is the real situation, so dream on.

Actually this is where you are wrong, China put out more pollution on average than the United States(1,000,000,000 people vs 350,000,000 people). Secondly Leading scientist are starting to say that there is Global cooling happening now and that they were wrong all along about the global warming. The poles may be melting, but that would be common when your fixing to go into another ICE AGE.
If your going to put out environmental stuff please get your facts strait and quit watching Planet Green on Dish Network or Direct TV. Honestly I have watched some of the stuff on that network and the crap they spew defies the laws of physics.

Side note for the Admin of this site..... YOUR COLOR SCEME SUCKS!!!!!!
Mom is hanging in there, no better, no worse.

To be honest this place bores me, that's why I haven't been posting. Same old shit day after day.
Mom is hanging in there, no better, no worse.

To be honest this place bores me, that's why I haven't been posting. Same old shit day after day.
Geeze, an important guy like yourself, I can see why we bore you. You shouldn't lower yourself to our level, just us commoners. Actually, I find that kind of offensive, but oh well. I actually enjoyed much of your posts. There was a time when you actually made a difference on this site.
Geeze, an important guy like yourself, I can see why we bore you. You shouldn't lower yourself to our level, just us commoners. Actually, I find that kind of offensive, but oh well. I actually enjoyed much of your posts. There was a time when you actually made a difference on this site.

Med Man, you find everything offensive... :lol: You're so .... emotional.

DankDude, (waves) glad to see your mom is hanging in there. Of course you are correct in the "same ol same ol" in here. I hardly post in detail here because there's no point. Strictly for entertainment purposes only. :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
Geeze, an important guy like yourself, I can see why we bore you. You shouldn't lower yourself to our level, just us commoners. Actually, I find that kind of offensive, but oh well. I actually enjoyed much of your posts. There was a time when you actually made a difference on this site.

It's not like that at all, I find it boring because most everyone on here refuses to learn a thing, they think that the world is just so and that no other ideas fit into their little box. I hate to tell you that 100 years from now, those ideas and opinions won't mean a damned thing.
Being Conservative or Liberal isn't the answer to the troubles of this world or this country, Neither Reagan or Clinton were the harbingers of truth nor should they be held up as standard bearers, let's face it every president since Carter on has created the mess we are in, and yes Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton and Bush Jr. are responsible for it.
Everyone argues over the same shit over and over, there is no intellectual growth here and people are just getting intellectually stagnant here. I check in daily here and not one person brings anything new to the table. It's just tit for tat and one upsmenship. Once someone can bring something new to the table, then I will start posting regularly again....
Note to the admins here...... YOUR COLOR SCHEME STILL BLOWS GOATS!!!!
It's not like that at all, I find it boring because most everyone on here refuses to learn a thing, they think that the world is just so and that no other ideas fit into their little box. I hate to tell you that 100 years from now, those ideas and opinions won't mean a damned thing.
Being Conservative or Liberal isn't the answer to the troubles of this world or this country, Neither Reagan or Clinton were the harbingers of truth nor should they be held up as standard bearers, let's face it every president since Carter on has created the mess we are in, and yes Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton and Bush Jr. are responsible for it.
Everyone argues over the same shit over and over, there is no intellectual growth here and people are just getting intellectually stagnant here. I check in daily here and not one person brings anything new to the table. It's just tit for tat and one upsmenship. Once someone can bring something new to the table, then I will start posting regularly again....
Note to the admins here...... YOUR COLOR SCHEME STILL BLOWS GOATS!!!!

you can change it to the old color sceme if you want I did. you do it in the control panel bottom right.

so u wanna bring somthin new to the table do ya!!!!......hmmmmmmm

how about a squirrell that can deapthoat your a nuts!!


now thats what I call a real trooper:hump:

is it true that your balls sag more and more as you get older?

i hope so cuz one day I want my very own nuts deepthroated as well:hump:
It's not like that at all, I find it boring because most everyone on here refuses to learn a thing, they think that the world is just so and that no other ideas fit into their little box. I hate to tell you that 100 years from now, those ideas and opinions won't mean a damned thing.
Being Conservative or Liberal isn't the answer to the troubles of this world or this country, Neither Reagan or Clinton were the harbingers of truth nor should they be held up as standard bearers, let's face it every president since Carter on has created the mess we are in, and yes Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton and Bush Jr. are responsible for it.
Everyone argues over the same shit over and over, there is no intellectual growth here and people are just getting intellectually stagnant here. I check in daily here and not one person brings anything new to the table. It's just tit for tat and one upsmenship. Once someone can bring something new to the table, then I will start posting regularly again....
Note to the admins here...... YOUR COLOR SCHEME STILL BLOWS GOATS!!!!
Define intellectual growth please. I think we all are humans, well most of us and being human, we are prone to argue over nonsense. Basically, anyone over 30 has made up their minds about life and change is a hard sell. We all approach life from our perspective and view other perspectives with doubts. People go to shrinks and spend thousands and for what, to know themselves? Intelectual growth is an oxymoron. One is either intelligent or not. I suppose reading and studying others views could affect somewhat, but knowledge does not make one intelligent. Intelligence is knowing what to do with the knowledge. Also, about your hundred years thing, I won't be around to care and neither will you or anyone else on this site. I come here mostly to keep my mind from growing senile, well that and arguing with the fascists.
Either way Dank, it's been all down hill since Bill Buckley passed on.....

Since intellectualism is relative, we'll still seem smart as we get dumber.....

out. :blsmoke:
As I see it just went way over your head, my point was missed.
Hardly. I see you just didn't care to define intellectual growth. So I guess you see yourself as an elitest, well la-ti-da. BTW, most of what you used to post was cut and paste. I agreed with most of it and with most of what your comments were but for you to assume that you have intellectual superiority is shameful. Please define intellectual growth?