OG Kush, LSD and Juicy Fruit -- CFL Closet Grow!!


Active Member
Hey everyone,

So even though my first grow is still ongoing (in my signature), I decided to start a new journal with my seeds that just arrived!

Here are the details:

Seed#1: Royal Queen Seeds Feminized OG Kush

Ordered this seed from Single Seed Centre, and it was delivered in less than a week.
Threw the seed in a container of water for about 24 hours. Then, threw it in some wet paper towels and a plate to germinate. It looks about ready to pop.....

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OG Kush germination - 10-5-13.jpg OG Kush seed popped - 10-5-13.jpg OG Kush planted - 10-5-13.jpg


Active Member
Seed #2: Barney Farms LSD

Been wanting to smoke this strain for nearly two years, since my first and only time trying it.
Ordered this seed from Single Seed Centre, delivered with the OG Kush. Threw the seed a container of water for about 24 hours. Just threw it in some wet paper towels and a plate to germinate a few minutes ago. I'll check back on it tomorrow...

LSD germination - 10-5-13.jpg

Seed #3: Juicy Fruit

What a coincidence; I haven't found bagseed in over a year! What are the odds I'd find a seed two days before my purchased seeds arrived?!! More plants for me..yay!

So, I went to the wackest dispensary (expensive and skimpy) on Earth a few days ago. I HATE this place. But...I was smoking on a strain called Juicy Fruit, or Fruity Berry, or whatever the name was. I forgot. It had a good taste and an "okay" high. Found one seed and I immediately germinated it, then planted it when it popped. I figured, worse case scenario it can be used as a test plant. Best case...it ends up female and I get a try at growing better herb than what I found it in.

JF germination - 10-4-13.jpg JF planted - 10-4-13.jpg

Here are the "closet growboxes" they'll be growing in...

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(4 grow buckets such as this one, with up to 220 Watts of CFL lighting each):

More updates to come once they all sprout!!!


Active Member

So, two of the three seeds have sprouted. The only seed I'm still waiting on (fourth day now) is the Barney Farms LSD. I heard bad things about their seeds germinating so let's just hope it finally decides to crack. Threw it back in a container of warm water this morning; I'll let it sit for 24 hours to see if it cracks. It did sink immediately once I dropped it in so that's good I guess??

OG Kush:

OG Kush seedling 10-8-13.jpg
Day #1 - 10/8/13

OG Kush seedling 10-8-13 -2.jpg
Day #1 - 10/8/13


So I confirmed yesterday that this seed is indeed from the strain "Juicy Fruit!" I checked out the dispensary's menu and it was on there. Of course the batch that I had looked nothing like the buds are supposed to look like. I guess they were grown and cured improperly...

Juicy Fruit:

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10/7/13 - Day #1

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Day #2 - 10/8/13

This is what Juicy Fruit should look like (that's if it ends up a female)....


More to come later!


Active Member
Time for an update!

OG Kush!

The OG Kush seedling is finally deciding to grow at a rapid pace. It was developing roots for over a week, and had to be transplanted from the 16oz. cup into a 4"x6" yogurt-container-turned-pot-pot. Before the transplant the leaves were drooping heavily and the plant was starting to yellow pretty quickly.

After a couple of days she started growing lovely. I fed foliar fed her for the last three days with 1/2 teaspoon/gallon of Dyna-Gro Foliage Pro. It really, really helped her green-up and start shooting in growth. Gave her the first feeding of nutrients earlier this morning, about 400ml at 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of Dyna-Gro. We'll see how she grows in the next week or so. I'm definitely going to top her at five nodes, so she has a chance to yield more and to prevent the stretch I hear so much about..

Day #2

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Day #3

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Day #6

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Day #12

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Day #13

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Juicy Fruit

Same with this one. Seems like this seedling and the OG Kush have a little in common. They both react to foliar spraying nutrients and their profile and leaf shape is similar; at least for now. Just like OG Kush, this one was rootbound within the first week, with the telltale droopy leaves and fast yellowing. It was transplanted as well. I can't wait until this one reveals its sex so I can hurry and trash it or keep it! Right now I mostly use it as a test plant to try nutrients etc on, before using my "real" plants.

Day #3

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Day #7

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This is where she started becoming rootbound...in just a week!

Day #11

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Day #14

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Just starting to recover from being rootbound...

Day #15

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JF seedling 10-21-13 -4.jpg



Needless to say, the seed never germinated! I got a bad seed. I was pissed. The seed was a very pale color, almost white, when I received it. I had a feeling it was immature but I had no choice but to try anyway. I soaked it for 24 hours, then transplanted to paper towels. Nothing for 3-4 days. So I soaked it again. Then I scratched the seed with sandpaper lightly. Then paper-toweled it again. Nothing...for two weeks of effort. Then I just threw it in the trash because white mush started to come out of it. Never had that issue with a seed. EVER!

So..I decided to bit the bullet and order another LSD seed from BF. That and Super Skunk (Vision Seeds). So I will be adding that to the mix IF it germinates, within the next week or so. If not, I am gonna have serious issues with BF and the seedbank I got it from!

Stay tuned for more....


Active Member
Are my eye's deceiving me? it looks like both them plants are covered in tri's already. Very nice I will be watching.
Cool! Yes, they are covered in them. I'm trying not to do anything to mess that up. lol. I wonder if it's my low humidity causing that and/or the genetics?


Active Member
Update time!


So my Barney Farms Feminized LSD seed arrived on 10/24 (Thursday).


I threw the seed in
my usual container of lukewarm water and let it sit for about 12 hours between two plates on the top of my cable box. I awoke the next morning to find the seed actually CRACKED! Yippee! I was beyond excited to say the least.


After it popped (along with my Super Skunk seed), I threw it between two paper towels and two plates for about an hour or three, until I prepared my planting pots etc. A few hours later and it was planted!!


It sprouted the very next day, but the leaves didn't open and point toward the light until today. We have birth!!

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LSD...born today, 10/28/13!!


More updates to come in about a week for the LSD. The OG Kush and Juicy Fruit are coming along rather nicely, and I'm just working on getting them all dialed in now, without any issues. Here are some pictures from last week....

Juicy Fruit:

Day #15

The Juicy bagseed plant was given another transplant, as she quickly outgrew her little 4"x6" yogurt cup!

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I decided to transplant it into a 8"x6" pot, since the roots were circling the bottom of the container
in a dizzying little spiral.


Oh, by the way...this plant REALLY stinks already! It was a skunky, piney smell that is starting to get pungent. I wonder how strong it will be during flowering IF it's a she?


Right after the transplant I gave it a nice FIMing to see if I can get extra nodes. Time will tell, but as of today looks like it was a success.

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More OG Kush & Juicy Fruit updates to come real soon...


Active Member
Update Time!

Og Kush

So far the OG Kush is doing well. One thing I've noticed about OG Kush is that it's a finicky plant. Likes everything to be "perfect" or else she will respond with droopy leaves, etc. Another thing is she doesn't "eat" much at all! I gave her ONE nutrient dose at 1/4 teaspoon/gallon, 250 ml; mixed with 250ml of water, all PH'd to 5.9. That was on 10/21 and she is JUST starting to show signs of needing more nutrients. I definitely will give her another shot so she can start to grow a little faster.

Enough ranting, here are some pics!

Day #14

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Here she is relaxing, right before her transplant.

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She's getting her transplant into a 8" x 6", and everything went just fine--without a hitch. Now time to FIM!

Day #23

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As you can see, she has been FIM'D for more nodes/growth! Hopefully that increases the yield without having to top her.

I will be transplanting her into a bigger pot this weekend, then I'll let her grow out for another week. She should be set to go into flowering on 11/8 or 11/9, at one month of age.


Juicy Fruit:

So far the Juicy Fruit plant has not showed its sex. It hasn't grown too much because I ran out of room once I transplanted it, and could no longer put it in the grow bucket. I wasn't going to waste my valuable space on a bagseed plant that's unproven and not sexed! So it has been sitting under a 40 Watt CFL with Mylar surrounding it and a fan for the last 10 days. I so far FIM'd it twice, and possible bud sites are starting to explode!

Day #22

JF seedling 10-29-13.jpg JF seedling 10-29-13 -2.jpg JF seedling 10-29-13 -3.jpg

Day #23

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JF seedling 10-30-13 -3.jpg JF seedling 10-30-13 -4.jpg

Lady Helena

Active Member
Hey Robnarley, great pics.
Subbed. I have just started 2 OG Kush myself, they are 10 days old today, so a little behind you. It will be a great comparison for me to check in against yours!
Good luck and positive vibes for your grow.
Lady H x


Active Member
Hey Robnarley, great pics.
Subbed. I have just started 2 OG Kush myself, they are 10 days old today, so a little behind you. It will be a great comparison for me to check in against yours!
Good luck and positive vibes for your grow.
Lady H x
Thanks Lady Helena! Do you have a journal going on for your grow that I can check out? I haven't updated in a couple of weeks but I'm adding more pictures now!
Best luck with your grow too!


Active Member
Update Time!

The switch has officially been pulled for 12/12 as of 11/13/13
(for 2 of 3)!

The OG Kush and Juicy Fruit are now in the grow tent to flower! I'm excited!!

I bought a 4x2x5 grow tent and put together a 320+ watt CFL hood (one light per two plants). Took about a day or so to build the light and an hour or so to put together the tent, hang the lights, fans, wires, etc. Right now I only have 160 watts running until my two 4-to-1 adapters arrive, but with my "unique" hood, the light should be dispersing pretty evenly, and within inches of the foliage! Temps are at 79° max with lights on, and about 65-72° with the lights off. Here are some pics of the flowering setup..

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The CFL light up close:

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I'm going to cover the light with aluminum duct tape so it is reflective and looks a little more "sleek."


OG Kush

Day #31


Day #34

Oh yes, I know that OG Kush is supposed to be a "low yielder." I could see why. The classic "Christmas tree" shape is what she is growing into, and once the stretching happens in flower, there will be less flowering sites due to little branching. So I said, time to tie her up! I'm an LST amateur but I grabbed some speaker wire and tied her down! Here she is minutes later...

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Day# 37

Here she is today, one day since flipping the switch to 12/12. Notice the flowering spots growing out!!

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Juicy Fruit:


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I had a feeling that this plant would respond well to being topped, especially since it's pretty "stretchy,"
and besides, I didn't like the way the leaves were coming in at the top of the plant (see day#27). Here it is after getting the top blown off and a little bit of semi-super cropping....

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Day# 35

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Just waiting on this one to show sex now. Been in flowering for a day, so hopefully I'll known within the next week. Kill or keep!!

More pics to come momentarily so stay tuned!


Active Member
Update Time!


This is a strange looking plant! Grows more like salad leaves than a Cannabis plant, although it has the traditional "fingered" leaves. Another thing about LSD is, it doesn't seem to need much nutrients at all. I've only fed it 1/8 of the recommended nutrient dose, one time only. She's been getting PH'd water with no nutrients ever since, and is still good and green. I MAY up the dosage to 1/4 tea/gallon next watering, but I'm not exactly sure. Less is best until she shows deficiencies I suppose.

Here are some pics!

Day #18

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Day #20

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She's a little thirsty..it's feeding day today!


OG Kush

This plant is starting to shoot out pistils literally overnight! I checked yesterday, and there are pistils popping out of each node. So I guess we are right on track with 70 days of flowering for her! I tied her down a little more to expose more flowering sites, and tucked several fans leaves under other leaves to expose the light more. Looks like there are 9-10 flowering sites currently, with more popping out as the new branching reaches for the light.

For the record, I'm still using just 160 watts of CFL for both plants, until my two adapters arrive. I think I will just wait until they really start flowering and finish the big stretch before I add more lighting.

Here are a couple more pics...

Day #39

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Stay tuned for more updates in about a week or two (or sooner if the Juicy Fruit plant shows its sex)!


Active Member

Juicy Fruit

It's a GIRL!!!!! YIPPPEEEE!!! :hump::hug:
:weed:I can't believe my luck (which is never usually this good)! She finally showed her sex, found two pistils shooting out on 11/22. Now, she's starting to flower. I'm kinda upset that I didn't up-pot her, she's still in a 1-gallon pot. I plant to take some clones once I find out which branches won't be exposed to the light.

So far there's about 8 fully-exposed flowering sites, and more within the bush waiting to pop out. Another thing is, she could still be a he/she! I don't trust her to NOT show male parts, so maybe not wasting too much time and resources on her is a good thing (pots, grow medium, etc). Plus the batch that I smoked and pulled the seed from sucked, so it could have bad genes (= no high)!

Still feeding her veg. nutrients, Foliage Pro 9-3-6, at 1/2 teaspoon/gallon at the moment. I'll start mixing with bloom nutrients (3-12-6) once she starts to flower more aggressively; most likely within a week or so. I'll take more pictures of her when she really starts to bloom.

12 Days Since 12/12 Switch


Right now she's maxin' under a 40-watt CFL I'm using for side lighting until I build/install the other CFL hood, later this week. I'll get more pictures up of her later!



So far so good with the LSD. I transplanted her yesterday, into a 9" pot, which I believe is between a 2-3 gallon; I haven't did the math yet to figure out the size in "gallon-age." This one is a slow grower, but I LOOOOOVE the smell! A very slight dankish smell, which actually doesn't smell like weed at all.

She is still being fed on low nutrients, at 1/4 teaspoon/gallon of Dyna Gro Foliage Pro. If she doesn't return back to her dark-green color after the next feeding, I am going to up the dose to 1/2 gallon/teaspoon of 9-3-6. She's a low feeder, so I definitely don't want to burn her at all. Rather too little than too much.

Since I topped her, she's really, really been bushing out. Literally the next day, there were flowering sites popping out everywhere. After the transplant yesterday, she literally exploded in growth even more..overnight! I mean, she FILLED OUT THE NEW POT! So I'm going to let her grow for another 10 days, and she'll go into 12/12 at 5 weeks of age. She should be pretty big by then with growth like this!! Oh, and I WILL be taking 2-3 clones in case she harvests some potent stuff.

Here's a couple pics...they suck but I'll take better ones when I fix this camera. This plant isn't much to look at by any means, but I have a feeling it will be well worth the grow!

Day #20

Today was 'chop day.' She was topped to perfection!

LSD seedling 11-18-13.jpg LSD seedling 11-18-13 -2.jpg LSD seedling 11-18-13 -3.jpg

Day #26

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The mangled leaves grew in like that after the FIM...

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Here's after a little "no-tie" tie down, to get her flowering sites exposed to the light. I counted 10 budding sites currently!




OG Kush updates and pictures coming next watering/feeding. Stay tuned!!