Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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How do we know GrowRebel is a retard? Well, just look at how he responded to the points I made in the post above his.

If someone believes that people that accept the generally accepted version of 911 are a minority, that person might be a retard.

If someone believes that your average airport in pre 911 America represents the "tightest security in the World," that person might be a retard.

If someone believes that no real investigations were done regarding 911, that person might be a retard.

If someone believes that the majority of the academic and scientific community believes in their conspiracy theory, that person might be a retard.

If someone believes that a small handful of experts from OTHER FIELDS constitute a credible source, that person might be a retard.

If someone believes that the burden of proof is not on the one challenging the generally accepted theory, that person is certainly is a retard.

So there you have it. It is official, GrowRebel is a retard.

I vote to ban GrowRebel on the grounds he is a retard and far too stupid to participate in this or any other conversation. Who seconds the motion?
That Bin Laden guy... which one do you mean? The real Bin Laden, or the lookalike from the "confession" video?


"One of these things is not like the others. One of these things does not belong. Can you tell which thing is not like the others by the time I finish my song?"

I'm sorry, but that person in the "confession" video is NOT Bin Laden. Of course, to Americans, all the "arabs" look the same, don't they?
Funny, that pic doesn't look much like this pic either, that I happened to just take from the confession video. Notice the narrow bridge. Somebody just took the most distorted pic they could find.
I vote to ban GrowRebel on the grounds he is a retard and far too stupid to participate in this or any other conversation. Who seconds the motion?


ban everyone that disagrees with you

what a fail idea

you guys are not convincing anyone, i dont know why you keep trying

every day we will continue to push for a new investigation

you cant stop us, instead you should also be pushing for one to prove us wrong

rick if you disagree with everyone on our side SO badly, why do you keep coming back with personal attacks

you just keep calling grow retarted, and the posts will just keep coming

you cant stop it, no matter how much you hate

and man how it makes me smile

We're not trying to convince you.... you're too far gone.

We're posting for all those who view the thread and want to get the real truth, the common sense which so sorely lacks from all of ur posts.
We're not trying to convince you.... you're too far gone.

We're posting for all those who view the thread and want to get the real truth, the common sense which so sorely lacks from all of ur posts.

make sure you remind them to throw out all notions of rationality as well as the laws of chance and physics so that your story makes sense k?
How do we know GrowRebel is a retard? Well, just look at how he responded to the points I made in the post above his.

If someone believes that people that accept the generally accepted version of 911 are a minority, that person might be a retard.

If someone believes that your average airport in pre 911 America represents the "tightest security in the World," that person might be a retard.

If someone believes that no real investigations were done regarding 911, that person might be a retard.

If someone believes that the majority of the academic and scientific community believes in their conspiracy theory, that person might be a retard.

If someone believes that a small handful of experts from OTHER FIELDS constitute a credible source, that person might be a retard.

If someone believes that the burden of proof is not on the one challenging the generally accepted theory, that person is certainly is a retard.

So there you have it. It is official, GrowRebel is a retard.

I vote to ban GrowRebel on the grounds he is a retard and far too stupid to participate in this or any other conversation. Who seconds the motion?

If someone believes that someone else is a retard and tells them they are done with them a few times then continues to argue with that retard that person is certainly Rick.

If you are So Damn Sure Grow is a retard and that "he" should be banned Why don't you just leave the thread like you said you were going to do a few times now already! Or ignore her like I'm about to do you. Second your motion? Make your own thread list the people you want banned and have a blast with all your haters.
We're not trying to convince you.... you're too far gone.

We're posting for all those who view the thread and want to get the real truth, the common sense which so sorely lacks from all of ur posts.

I thought you had a thread for that. I never see you paste it in here for the viewers your concerned about?
Funny, that pic doesn't look much like this pic either, that I happened to just take from the confession video. Notice the narrow bridge. Somebody just took the most distorted pic they could find.


Your post just proves my point. "They all look the same to me!".

Osama Bin Laden wears a watch on his right wrist. The man in that video wears no watch. Osama Bin Laden does not wear a ring on his right hand. The man in the video clearly has a ring on his right hand.

This is Osama Bin Laden:


I'll admit, the guy in the video looks *somewhat* like Bin Laden. Close enough for government work. But it is NOT Bin Laden.

I'd suggest you maybe look up the circumstances under which this tape was "found" (miraculously, almost). Also check into the "other confession tape" that was supposedly released BEFORE this one (and has since vanished from the face of the earth, never to be seen again).
That's just a bunch of BS......
Says the disinformation agent.

Cause they can't prove a thing.... that's why....
Said the disinformation agent who continues to fail to convince the majority of the government's conspiracy theory.

They've proven that their hobby is unproductive, at best.
Says the disinformation agent's crony ... of course nothing to dispute ... know why? ... cause you can't ... go ahead ... make any excuse you'd like ... most of us know the truth.
Apparently some must derive great pleasure from it...great pleasure.
Oh yes indeed ... it gives me so much pleasure to see the disinformation campaign online fail, great pleasure indeed. :blsmoke:

How do we know GrowRebel is a retard? Well, just look at how he responded to the points I made in the post above his.
And how do we know rick can't handle the fact that people want a real investigation? Look at his post.

If someone believes that people that accept the generally accepted version of 911 are a minority, that person might be a retard.
... and when someone continue to disregard facts ... that make them a dumb ass ... I've posted several polls in this thread, proving my point, but to help make you look as :dunce: as you are ...
Scientific Poll: 84% Reject Official 9/11 Story
Only 16% now believe official fable according to New York Times/CBS News poll Truth Movement has the huge majority of opinion
You're a minority ... too bad ... so sad.
If someone believes that your average airport in pre 911 America represents the "tightest security in the World," that person might be a retard.
Um ... I was referring to pentagon air space and the WTC towers. Not to mention the stand down order cheney gave ... that ... hello? Are we awake yet?

If someone believes that no real investigations were done regarding 911, that person might be a retard.
Why yes ... a person with your great mental capacity would be satisfied with a bullshit investigation where evidence was disregarded and no one had to testify under oath, and key witness could "testify" behind closed doors. Yes I could see where a person such as yourself would be satisfied with something that even six of the commissioners themselves stated was bullshit.

If someone believes that the majority of the academic and scientific community believes in their conspiracy theory, that person might be a retard.
You have yet to prove that. Like I said before ... NIST which has been proven wrong ... and your other link doesn't represent the majority of the academic and scientific community ...

If someone believes that a small handful of experts from OTHER FIELDS constitute a credible source, that person might be a retard.
When those "small handful" that you love to call them submits undeniable scientific evidence, that most of us can see, while a genus like you can't accept it as fact, that make you a dumbass.

If someone believes that the burden of proof is not on the one challenging the generally accepted theory, that person is certainly is a retard.
If one believe the government conspiracy theory with no proof, that makes them kiss-ass

So there you have it. It is official, GrowRebel is a retard.
Yes folks ... it is official ... rick has gone mad because he simply can't face the FACT that most people don't buy the government's conspiracy theory and want a real investigation. How frustrating for him!

I vote to ban GrowRebel on the grounds he is a retard and far too stupid to participate in this or any other conversation. Who seconds the motion?
and I vote to keep you around so I can show people just how stupid deniers really are.:eyesmoke:

you cant stop it, no matter how much you hate
and man how it makes me smile
Great video Keenly ... thanks so much for posting that.:peace:
That poll proves once again that Grow rebel has ZERO reading comprehension.
Says the disinformation agent who the majority doesn't believe ... Yawn ... :sleep:

For the record ...
This is how they place the charges to cut columns at an angle for a controlled demolition.






hey cracker, dont have anything to back your claims up?

your lasts few posts have just been

"thats bs"


"you cant read"


"no your wrong"

the majority does not beleive 9/11 was an inside job

they DO however, know that the official story is full of holes and they are sailing through a hurricane

like willie said in the video

there are a certain percentage of people whos minds will never to open to the possibility of government sponsored terror

ghandi once said there are three stages of truth

1. it is ridiculed

2. it is violently opposed

3. it is accepted as common knowledge

lets see how this one plays out
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