Oh No My Extractor Is Broken!


Well-Known Member
AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I cant belive it my extractor is no more and its peaking 100f here in london and i cant afford a new one at the moment what anm i gona doo these plants arent due to flower for another week FUCK SHIT BLOOCKS ! i think they might have to be put out side or somthing anyone whos had this problem please reply what did u do ???


Well-Known Member
put some ice in a large container and use a fan to blow the cooler air around your plants. just keep fresh ice in the container until you can get another vent.


Well-Known Member
you're welcome.

i had to do this for 2 days when my ac went out. wasn't perfect but they survived and i didn't have move 'em


Well-Known Member
i hear ya man that heat has already scortched them a bit i hat to bring her outside straight away but i will looking to doing that also i thought about getting a cheap aircon or something