oil filled space heater


Well-Known Member
I have a 5x5x5 room covered in mylar. Light and babies centered dead middle. Would an oil filled space heater on low melt mylar and cause fire or burn plants. I am going to hav2 5 3 gallon pots in an x shape under the light.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I should have posted this in the newbie section. I posted before I read through everything. Attitude gifted me with early delivery and I'm antsy for my start date

match box

Well-Known Member
I don't know. If ya do it let me know how that works. I don't think that kind of heater would melt mylar. You could see if the store well let ya test the heater and take some mylar with ya to the store. The first part was a joke don't burn your place down. match


Well-Known Member
i use one of these and got some info for you,

these things thermometer are located directly on them and they create a sort of heat bubble around itself and your thermostat can claim 75f on it but really itll be only like 66f in the rest of the room, they also drop humidity alot so try to get an idea what your humidity is during the off time.

i recommend to buy a thermometer from home depot and wire it up (BE SAFE AND DO SOME RESEARCH FIRST) and then have it near the plants canopy, these run around 50$ and are not technically necassary but a little fan blowing heater with a thermostat built in would work better. also if you got a small fan that is unused you can keep it on low and have it blow above the oil heater about a few inches and itll given better heating coverage.

if your oil filled heater lacks a thermostat and is only a low-med-high setting heater than id recommend getting a thermostat for sure, also what size is your grow area? you do not want that heater next to the plants as itll roast there leaves, a small fan blowing heating is what i recommend.

mylar also will not melt as long as its not within about 12inches.


Well-Known Member
My grow area is 5x5x5 and ill prob have around 12 inches on either side of plant and mylar. I only need it when the lights off so I was just trying to keep it on low or low/med to keep my temp around 60. I have a thermostat hooked up to a 1/5hp exhaust blower and the thermo is set to over 75 it kicks on.


Well-Known Member
And thank you for such a quick, detailed, and informative reply! I've browsed this forum alot and finnally decided to join it and I see why I made this decision!


Well-Known Member
your setup sounds like a good way to control heat, id set it on medium and have a small fan blow the air around, they produce alot of heat near and above them and not so much everywhere as fast, you should picm up a small little clip fan like the size of your hand and have it blow on the top.


Well-Known Member
Perfect I have one the size of my palm. I also have an intake from my storage room above through the vent its a 160cfm inline. Could I use the heater above the vent to safelyy draw heat in? Its on weels soilk if heat can plausibly be drawn downwards. In the room ill have one or 2 ocsilating fans running. Could I just keep them on instead of the small fan? And last question will I burn my house or my baby girls with that setup lol


Well-Known Member
heats first direction is up, it tends to go towards the ceiling and not the ground, put your hand above it and then below it and youll see what i mean, im not sure if your asking wether or not to put the heater in a seperate room and have the heat be vented in, if so id just keep the heater on med and have the fan blow it around, your plants dont respirate during the dark hours nearly as much so you do not need to have it venting during the off hours just your exhaust fan to remove unwanted heat. keep it on medium and go in the room during the dark period (if possible) and feel around the plants and see if it starts roasting under them or above. if problems are going to occur itll happen quick as in within a few days (quicker if there is a serious problem) so dont worry immediately as if you got that heater away from the plants and mylar as far as possible and it has the small fan blowing the heat around.


Well-Known Member
Ok thank you very much i Have alot of thinking to do now and reassesing. You've eased my troubled mind for the moment. I fear I will not be able to relax until I have tweaked all my problems and have begun.


Well-Known Member
another thing you should do is have your heater on a timer to turn off when lights come on, will save power from heater and exhaust fan.


Well-Known Member
I have 2 heavy duty timers one for my 600w and one i shall now give to the heater. What about my dehumidifer should it be off also when light is if I'm running the heater


Well-Known Member
yup, as the heater will dehumidify on its own.

good luck and feel free to pm if you got any more questions.


Well-Known Member
Yeah its a delonghi 2507l. Will do silicity. I will be starting a grow journal in a month or 2 feel free to check it out and further any advice


Well-Known Member
an eco one? id start it at high and see how hot it gets then and if its to much then go to med. if med can keep your temps up then youll be fine and high will just use more juice.