Ok, Attempting to grow again, dont care about males, smokeable?


Well-Known Member
people are trying to help you. there is no buds on male plants...your friends will be smoking pollen sacs. we arent tryin to be assholes, well im not anyway. im just passing on info, unless you want to harvest pollen, for breeding, or just want to produce some seed to replant there is no reason to keep males around.

that said if you really want to grow a male plant, go for it. fuck it the worst thing that can happen is you polinate your plants..
and if you get stoned smokin leaves thats fine too, i did one time when i was younger


Well-Known Member
can yall NOT READ???!?!!?!?!?!!!!

he had said over and over and over he knows there is no bud on male plants

he will turn all males into hash, which can be very potent and get you hella high


Well-Known Member
yall stop talking about his male plants....he obviously knows what he is doing (however, little does he know that hash made from any plant will not be mids.... and will be somewhat more potent than his buds...of course depending on strain lineage)

if yall are gonna just sit and talk about male plants and they grow no buds when he already said at least twice he knows that.....then yall just need to get the fuck off his thread.

help the man or leave him alone


New Member
i know your not being a dick, erysichton, and i know there is no buds on a maleplant but the leaves get you high, because i have smoked em before......and i havea large enough area to where i can just move the other plants away like 200-300 feet....that should cover it right?

and there is always an argument on my thread no matter what i post! lol.

im not responding to people who try to argue any more unless i feel its absolutly necessery.
my opinion would be to either toss the males out cus they WILL fertilize the females and then ur stash wouldnt be anywhere near the potential they should be or take the males out and grow em outside and just let mother nature take care of them, make hash or something out of them, i had 8 lowryders 2 of which were male , i sold 1 plant to my mate for £20 just so he had a plant to look at and grew the other outside, ended up kicking it and the pollen balls exploded everywhere - funny, its about the only use for males.
the females are turning into pure beasts and after only 6 weeks from seed they all have beasty buds that smell so sweet!
just be patient, buy some pot to smoke meantime - remember marijuana is a weed it will grow in shit conditions, show it some love and trust me it will love u back ;)
water them when needed and feed twice a week depending how far along u are, dont feed siblings they will just burn, good luck fellow toker and remember 'smoke weeed everydaay'

heres a bud from my kid



Well-Known Member
blend them fine and cook em with butter
i did this with 4 big males and made cakes
i let the shit cook 4 a hour and strained it and after i think fuck i wasted 2 hours it hit me and i pulled over the car and hid under the seat
oh yeah it will get you it just takes a lot of it


Well-Known Member
oh yeah the other day were you on a post about getting fined 25000 for a download of mall cop i was real ripped a cant find this post so im think it was all in my head
yeah i know no ones been that stoned since they were 16


Well-Known Member
yeah id def try and make something from it.. if u got high from smoken a blunt of male plant then chances are it was the tabacco blunt that gave u the head rush lol. people arent being dicks here they are just pointing out that males arent worth the hassle... i doubt u got 5+ miles inbetween every plant lol


New Member
yea, seriously, i would pull the plant as soon as sacs were mature. Put the sacs in a freezer bag and into the freezer. Make hash outta the males if you want. If there were a fair amount of crystals on your bag o' shake, it might have been female shake. Was popular in HS because you could get a huge bag for 20 bucks and we were all atheletes back then and it WOULD get us stoned. I highly do not reccomend it tho..