Ok HELP This baby is wilting?

Medical User

Well-Known Member
Why is this one just lloking dredful?

Its just wilty, I watered it a week ago and it has not done a thing. I watered last night and nothing. Please tell me how to perk it up?



Active Member
Why is this one just lloking dredful?

Its just wilty, I watered it a week ago and it has not done a thing. I watered last night and nothing. Please tell me how to perk it up?
give it a GOOD watering drench the pot till it runs out the bottom and let it drain really good

BUT how old is it? maybe go a little less on the water

it looks like underwater you should see it perk back up in like 2 hours once you give it a good amount of water

trichlone fiend

New Member
IMO...either underwatering, low light, root damage( from pressing down on soil )...also, high salts can build up around the roots if given too much fertilizer, which in result, your plant cannot drink.

Medical User

Well-Known Member
OK I watered, I added 20-20-20 peters at 1/4 stregnth, and I gently aerated the soil by moving the pot around. We will see


Well-Known Member
if i was u i would stop using nutes for now and just water until she gets better using nutes might make ya problem worse then it is. just my input.
