OK then. Biden 2020.

when has trump lost an argument? its not because hes never wrong, its because the left has nobody who can hang with him in a debate.
When has he made one? It's mostly word salad and his ideology changes from one sentence to the other. His speeches are personal attacks, not rational either, he just appeals to fear. We'll see how Donald does in the ultimate debate in a place where there are rules about facts and consequences for lying, a court of law.
antifa, men in womans sports, free health care for illegal aliens, gun control, men in womans bathrooms, hating white males, etc. no thanks. I'd rather have trump
That's just a partial list of your fears, Trump uses people's fear against them, it's an old trick. What are you really afraid of that could bring you to this pathetic position of defending the indefensible?
Taking advantage of someone with mental health issues is not cool either, he later said he was mistaken when he got back on his meds. The guy is bipolar and what was done to him was disgusting. That ain't no liberal idea either, just basic right and wrong. Know the difference?
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lol, sorry but I'm not white. I know that doesn't fit into your world view but people of color arent always on the democratic plantation.
Yer perspective sure isn't black, tell us more about yourself and your views on Racism in America. The fellow whose picture you posted was mentally ill and off his meds, what's your excuse? He's bipolar, what's your mental state like? By posting his picture as a Trump supporter you exploited the man's illness and twisted the truth, why? Know the difference between right and wrong now?
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I know right, look at all the name calling and ad hominem attacks coming from me. oh wait thats the other guy.
Keep it up and guys like @abandonconflict will tell yer whole life story, Buck will fuck yer arsehole and I'll candle yer head. I'm on a mission to reduce suffering and I'd advise stopping right now, start a new account and start over, ya got nothing to lose, or so says buck, repeatedly too. Reduce yer suffering, let go, come into the light and leave your fears and the dark side behind. Hope and change remember.
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