older leaves brown and die


so the older leaves are still drying out from the outer edges in, and slowly curling up. i have tried everything.. humidity is high, there getting the water they need, nuets, ph of my nuet solution is perfect. there is undergrowth (branches) that are growing up from the bottom part of stock, they are flourishing. the main colas are still going too but as the bigger main leaves get older and are down a few sets of leaves they slowly dry out and die.. the newer undergrowth isnt diing in the same fashion... what the hell is going on?

this is my older thread, the plants are a little larger and the undergrowth is more vigerous but the idea of the leaves is still there.


EDIT: the ph of my water for strait watering every 3rd time was high i just found out though.. like 7.5 - 8 ... i am now adjusting and ensuring a good ph before watering.. my buddy uses the same water fromt he same part of the city and it doesnt seem to be an issue for him so i dont think it was ph.. but maybe it is.?


Well-Known Member
This is usually a PH issue, the plants could be choking out and drawing energy from the older leaves.. pretty common with PH issues..

The leaves that are yellowing will not return to full health, but once you stabilize the issue, new growth should be fine...


do you suppose watering them with 7.5- 8 ph water could cause this issue.. thats what straight water is at, but whats funny is the nuet solution im using actually has been stabilizing it.. odd, but yeah... iv also added some pro-silicate to my mix to see if thats helps them with the stress. that stuff definatly raises ph so i have some ph down for this... my poor girls :(


Well-Known Member
Yeah buddy you need to get that PH level down... I've been a hydro guy for soo long that I dont remember what the PH level should be in soil but that sounds kinda high to me..

In hydro I stay between 5.8 and 6.3

check for recommended PH for soil.. I'm almost positive thats your issue.. Also some hydrogen peroxide will help breakdown any buildup on your roots since they're probably being choked out...

But move forward cautiously..


Oh and congrats to Team Canada.. That was 1 helluva game!!

thanks for the tips, and yes , it was a very good game :) . we were very excited up here :bigjoint:.

i gave them a good watering just now with ph balanced water, around 6.0 ph , thats what i was told too, 5.8 - 6.5 ... the root structure should be very solid, iv been using grozyme and such, its got mltiple tips showing at the bottom of the pot thru every hole. the ph is just staggering them at this point i guess.


Well-Known Member
I use 3% general hydrogen peroxide.. and I add it directly to the water and let it sit for a good 20 minutes prior to use.. what you're essentialy doing is adding oxygen to the roots since they are likely choking from buildup.. the h2o will break the buildup down and turn it into beneficial sugars for the plants..

I'm not a soil guy so I would do a little more research before proceeding.. someone here should have more insight.

the hydrogen peroxide will kill any zymes your using, so its a 1 or the other, cant use both..


cool man il do some reading, for now i might just see how adjusting the ph does and move slowly before adding more stuff. the pro silicate should help the plant with climate stress a little too and thats a newer one for me so i will se how the plant responds to a proper ph cycle.. on a plus note the undergrowth is not showing the same signs and is growing rapidly.

and is it possible my plant it sucking more water from the bottom of the pot than the top, everyone sais use the finger test, but my top 1 inch will become fluffy and light but under that its still somewhat damper than regular cool soil would be. the bottom though almost seems dryer when i put my finger in the bottom. a friend said that depending on the shape of my root structure it could be possible but.. idunno.. i know im kicking ideas around but i only ask cause , knowing is half the battle! :) .. lol... little GI joe quote there.


Well-Known Member
Don't think I'd go with h2o2 unless had no other choice. It's ggod in hydro bad in soil. Pic's would help a ton.


Well-Known Member
when you water does the water go threw the soil fast. like 3 or less min? or slow 10 or more min?


thinking about that now... i definatly need to keep sucking out the tray for a good 10- 20 minuits after a good watering but most of the water comes rip roaring thru in about 3 min or so.

i will pay more attention to that what does either mean?


Well-Known Member
you want to water very slow. when I water it takes at an hour before the run off starts. gives the soil more time to absorb the water. I was using a pump sprayer to water. now I just water a little at a time. I guess about a cup at a time over about an hour.


crazycanuk can you please post info about your grow? soil,lights etc...

stumps can you please check the link i posted above and give me an estimate for the amount of water for my plants when the pots feel light and plants need to be watered? the pots i am using should be a gallon or so.
thanks for looking.


Well-Known Member
I use about half the water to the pot volume. 1 gal pot 1/2 gal of water. you guys might want to get the ph tested. I don't worry to much about it any more. but I shoot for a ph of 5-7