Omfg 21!


Active Member
OMFG i just weighed up...its my second grow...i got 21 dry oz off two plants!!!

im serious!!! i just had to tell someone...i cant believe it.

i used diff nutes and they really worked or something did.

i did 8 weeks veg and 8 weeks flower...white rhino strain...using dutch master gold program and no extra superbuds or rock juice...just the dutch master gold! i had a 400 in the veg and one 600 in the flower...i did get some mold in the two queen buds but that is not included as i cut it out before i dried.

i am in complete shock and soooooooooo happy.

i wanted to call someone or shout it out the door but figured it was better to type it here :)

thanks for reading if u do bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
nice man........ great job!

wish I could do that...... how tall were they at harvest?


Active Member
about 3 and 1/2 feet tall....btw thank you for answering me...yesterday was my first time on here and u are the only person who has answered me...i want you to know i appreciate it :)
and to think i was worried the buds wernt dense enough. last grow i had three plants and i only got 14 and they had been given that rock juice stuff.


Well-Known Member
about 3 and 1/2 feet tall....btw thank you for answering me...yesterday was my first time on here and u are the only person who has answered me...i want you to know i appreciate it :)
and to think i was worried the buds wernt dense enough. last grow i had three plants and i only got 14 and they had been given that rock juice stuff.

no problem buddy............what exactly is the nutes your giving them?


Active Member
i followed exactly what the dutch master site said to those amounts for the week. i use dutch master gold a +b (for grow or flower depending on where im at ) then i add max (grow or flower) and silica and zone. and i sprayed with liquid gold and penatrator. and i sprayed for the whole veg time and 4 weeks into the flower cos thats what they told me to do :)

they said i would be amazed at the results and i am.

i was worried they didnt look like the buds u buy cos they obviously have superbud stuff or whatever added which makes them like nuggets...these were long colas...if i had batteries in my cam i would take some pics but im out.

i really didnt expect this much...and i noticed that there was alot less shrikage than last time when they had the rock juice.


Well-Known Member
ok, well I need to know where to fucking get that shit....... cause there is no fucking way that I can come close to 21 ounces with just 2 plants....... especially at only 3 1/2 feet tall...... the most I've gotten off a plant is less than 2 ounces...... and i thought that was sweet.


Active Member
they have a site Dutch Master - For the Biggest, Hardest, Heaviest Yields EVER!! GUARANTEED! - GOLD Nutrient AVAILABLE NOW! im not sure if u can buy it from there but i bought all mine from ebay...australian ebay but im sure he sends to whereever u are if ur not in australia. and the guy who sells lots of thier stuff is really good with postage he combined it all for me and it was really cheap...they sell it in the hyro shop here too but maybe its an australian thing i dont know.

and as for the advice u gave me last night bout humidity i havnt been checking...and i will now...and hopefully this time i get even more cos i wont get going to add a fan to bring air in...i have those grow tents and only an extraction fan not one to move air or bring in.

i do my grow in eight i have two rooms...i grow the veg in one and flower in another so when one flower is ready to pick the veg ones are ready to go in.

and im growing in that coconut husk soily stuff with clay balls on top to stop those tiny annoying fly things.
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Well-Known Member
that link goes to a page that says test 2..........

and yeah definitely check on your humidity, and get a fan in there to move the air around..... I have pretty much the same setup as you do, but I'm trying to get a harvest every 2 weeks...... that way I never run out, I want to harvest 2 or 3 plants (haven't decided which yet, probably 3) every 2 weeks (as long as the plants are cool with 8 weeks flowering).


Active Member
oh i only harvest once every eight does keep :)
i dont know about this two week thing or how its done but i hope its going well for you :)


Well-Known Member
i havn't gotten it up and going yet..... you could do the same thing, especially since your plants are only 3 feet tall and it two of them.... how big is your flowering room? mine is and 8 square foot tray. all you have to do is a rotating crop, where every 2 weeks, you put your 2 clones into flowering, and take the 2 plants ready for harvest out. check out AlBFuct's thread titled "get a harvest every 2 weeks" it explains everything there, but I'll be doing it on a much smaller scale that he does.


Active Member
mine is only 1mt by 1mt by 2mts i can only really fit three plants in there ...but four would squash but its not really worth it. i really spread those two plants out tho...they may have been only 3 1/2 feet tall but they were as wide as i could bend them...i bend the stems out as they grow.


Well-Known Member
mine is only 1mt by 1mt by 2mts i can only really fit three plants in there ...but four would squash but its not really worth it. i really spread those two plants out tho...they may have been only 3 1/2 feet tall but they were as wide as i could bend them...i bend the stems out as they grow.

oh nice..... that's good.


Well-Known Member
Nothing brings a tear to the eye more than a table top filled with your own product.... Last year I have a suitcase 1/2 filled with dried bud.......sniff..sniff...
soooooo beautiful.......