Omg! Please help...i think my plant is officially dead...

it still has the sucker growth left from the 1 petal leafs

@ OP

try losing a 6 year old chinchilla for about 10 mins
only reason i found him is a heard something bang in my box
he was swan diving off my led's into my plants

i literally died picturing that lil fucker jumping into a green heaven! man that is funny! @ OP that plant was already topped, meaning if you cut it you may have hurt it more severely
i literally died picturing that lil fucker jumping into a green heaven! man that is funny! @ OP that plant was already topped, meaning if you cut it you may have hurt it more severely

it was pretty funny i laughed hard about it
then for 2 months after i was picking fine ass chinchilla hair out of buds >.<
they have like a 3' vertical jump if they have a wall to " wall climb" off of
he made it around the box lights to plants probably 3 times at least before i figured it out and investigated
like a dam bouncy ball
my old lady out of the blue one day goes i want a chinchilla
she ended up with 3 of them for her birthday one before to test the water's so to speak and a breeding pair on her birthday
they live for 15-20 years interesting animals and cute as a button personality like a dumbass chihuahua on crack
really smart though
What do they smell like? Weird question i know. Ive owned a couple ferrets before and they have a strong scent.
hypo allergenic
they take dust baths
there is no smell
they cant get wet i mean they can but it could possibly kill them or make the really sick
but literally cant smell them or their cages
if a chin stinks there s something wrong with it medically / mentally /
or the cage wasnt taken care of and cleaned in a timely manner
hypo allergenic
they take dust baths
there is no smell
they cant get wet i mean they can but it could possibly kill them or make the really sick
but literally cant smell them or their cages
if a chin stinks there s something wrong with it medically / mentally /
or the cage wasnt taken care of and cleaned in a timely manner
Awesome I might look into getting one some time. right now I cant afford the initial cost of getting 1 though :). Do you have to keep them in there cage or can let them out for the day (inside your house I mean) :).
Your cat is a fantastic topper! lol! This little girl (hopefully) will be just fine. I would put it under a good light for 24 hour cycle though instead of moving it around from inside to outside, you don't want to put any un-necessary stress on her