Omg wtf!!!!

hey im flowering my plants super early i need to have them outta the house within 3 months and there only about a month old, there in a hydro set up and are about 4 inches high with only 2 or 3 sets of leaves, im setting up my 400 watt hps and switchin to 12/12, how far away from the plants should i have the light? im gona have about 3 fans in my closet to try and keep it cool



Well-Known Member
With all that air i would imagine pretty close. what i do is put my hand/arm at canopy level and if I can tolerate the heat so can my plants. check it often and it helps to hang a therm. at canopy level so there is no mistakes


Active Member
If they are clones then they can be flowered super early like that. But if not I kind of doubt it will work because they may all hermie or male on you trying to flower them that fast. If they are clones then give them another week to veg with the light about 8" up. Either way you may be cutting it too close because it always takes longer than you think.


Active Member
Well they may hermie on you but that doesn't matter much. Are they indica or sativa? I ask because it seems indica finishes faster at around 10 weeks complete.


Well-Known Member
I would veg them for another week or two if not longer, remember, the longer the veg the bigger the yield. And you can use the HPS light and not lose out on anything, as a matter of fact i've heard that you get tighter node regins when you veg with a HPS

Plus by puting a mature plant into flower you have more of a chance to get the most out off your plant. by putting it in to ealry they are fully develpoed; not that they can't handel it, its just not going to be as much, as potent.

i have a 400 and i'm like 6-12, but i could be closer and i jsut need it to cover mroe area rather than a main light source.
uhh alright i'll start using the hps, iv been using a couple led lights that are on 24 hours a day, is it safe to keep the 400 watt hps on 24/7 its a verry verry small closet and theres posters in there and stuff, but like i said i got like 3 fans in there


Well-Known Member
UHHHHHH LED lights are the biggest joke on the market, during veg they are nothign special and during flower they are complet poop!

I run my veg room 21 hours on 3 hours off, the dark period gives them a chance to process all the energy it just absorbed. I personally switched to T5 Floresents to Veg 2 months ago and i love it. You will notice a big difference after using the HID light.

I know you got fans but it is still important for Air to be going in and getting out of the room! Posters are fine but in the canopy area i would prefer a flat white area or Mylar, if you don't want to paint or can't find Mylar use white poster board and tape it. Allways a good idea to keep somke detector in grow room.

Feel free to ask me anything anytime!


Well-Known Member
I'm going 12/12 from seed as an experiment. It's 2 weeks in and I'm still using 2 25W CFl's that are 6500k, I'm about to switch to 2700k.