one two or three weeks left???


Active Member
looks like halfway done to me maybe another month. I would stop fertilizing after a week , then water for a week, then nothing for a week then done


Active Member
Yea looks like you'll have that jewelers loop before you need to chop. I say 3 weeks, maybe 3 and a half. You should take pics without flash. Easier to see the changes in color without all the frosty white glare. Looks good though.


Well-Known Member
Are you 8 weeks from when you counted from 12/12? If you flipped when it was immature it will take longer to show flowers hence seem like weeks are longer than they should. I start the days when I see first pistols. But I run strains out a few times if good and get a good Idea when to chop. And when I run clones over and over harvest time drops about a week cause they get mature and buds start faster. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
ooooooh yummy, stop all Nitrogen fertilizing now, and harvest in 3 weeks. the lighter the green the better the taste, the lighter the green the less salt you'll be smoking.