
okay so I'm kind of an idiot, I don't need you to tell me. but I've been having some problems with nutrient burn because my plants are planted in soil that has time release nutrients along with a little bit of fertilizer with time release nutrients. they are still vegging but i should be able to flower soon. i would just transplant to a pot with better soil and then maybe flush or something and stop using time-release crap, but I'm not real sure how to transplant well out of a 5-gallon container. anybody have any advice on how to deal with this situation? once again, I know i'm an idiot! :wall: :-P but any help would be greatly appreciated!


Active Member
You can continue to grow in the soil your using just back off on adding any nutes for awhile and then add 1/4 to 1/2 strength nutes when they looks like they need them down the road.
If you want to transplant and you have better soil to do it in. Just support the base of the plant between your fingers, flip the pot upside down, tap on the bottom of the pot with your other hand until the plant comes out.
Shake off as much soil as you can be careful with the roots but it's ok to have them exposed just be gentle. Once you have as much soil removed. Assess how much new soil to put into the pot and replace the plant. gently spreading out the roots and covering with more soil. Then water very well.
thank you very much for the advice. which do you think is the better option? does it make more sense to transplant or should i just back off of nutrients for a bit?


Active Member
I can't really say from what I know so far. less stress not to transplant. MJ is a pretty strong plant. Saying that there are some basics you need to follow to avoid the common mistakes.
I don't know your situation so as I said it's hard to give any advice other than the basics.> don't over water early on, seedlings and clones don't need ferts until good growth is established, pH water is not as important an issue in soil unless it's way off, if using town tap water with chlorine, it's a good idea to let it sit uncovered for a day to off-gas.