Opinions Needed!!! Is This A Female??


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! This is our girl! (Hopefully) She will be 7 weeks tomorrow. She is 15.25 inches tall and has been under continuous 24/7 lighting since the germinated seed was placed in the soil. She is being grown under CFL's. There are a total of 6 CFL's on her right now... We plan on putting her into 12/12 sometime this week. We want her to show on her own and then put her into flowering. She is a Sativa. I have put in a few pics. Please let us know if you think she is a SHE. Any input would be great. THANKS!!

:peace: :joint:


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! Thanks for your comments! I appreciate it! Thanks EMAIL468 for taking the time to circle the spot on our picture. That's exactly the spot I was hoping was a pistil... Being a newbie I've been thinking the new growth have been pistils but these I was sure were actual pistils! Thanks!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! Thanks for your comments! I appreciate it! Thanks EMAIL468 for taking the time to circle the spot on our picture. That's exactly the spot I was hoping was a pistil... Being a newbie I've been thinking the new growth have been pistils but these I was sure were actual pistils! Thanks!!
you're welcome. you can see the other pistil in that shot also.


Well-Known Member
OH! I just wanted to add one more thing... and all experts can correct me if I am wrong. But, just from doing it this first time... We put her in 24/7 lighting since the germinated seed was put in the soil and with 6 1/2 weeks (35 - 40 days) she actually showed preflowers and now at exactly 41 days (as of right NOW lol) she showed sex on her own. She managed to grow 15.25 inches and since I am growing completely indoors, using CFL's, and have a limited growth space, I am VERY pleased at her growth and at how long it took to show sex on her own. So my point is... BE PATIENT!!! I have a feeling that I will reap the rewards come harvest time for not forcing her to show. There are WELL OVER 20 bud sites and I'm just thriving with anticipation to see all those spaces fill in with dense SATIVA SINSEMILLA!!! My Father always said, "The difference between good pot and GREAT pot is a matter of weeks." Of course he was talking about when to harvest but, I have a feeling this applies in veg as well. WE'LL SEE!!


Well-Known Member
OH! I just wanted to add one more thing... and all experts can correct me if I am wrong. But, just from doing it this first time... We put her in 24/7 lighting since the germinated seed was put in the soil and with 6 1/2 weeks (35 - 40 days) she actually showed preflowers and now at exactly 41 days (as of right NOW lol) she showed sex on her own. She managed to grow 15.25 inches and since I am growing completely indoors, using CFL's, and have a limited growth space, I am VERY pleased at her growth and at how long it took to show sex on her own. So my point is... BE PATIENT!!! I have a feeling that I will reap the rewards come harvest time for not forcing her to show. There are WELL OVER 20 bud sites and I'm just thriving with anticipation to see all those spaces fill in with dense SATIVA SINSEMILLA!!! My Father always said, "The difference between good pot and GREAT pot is a matter of weeks." Of course he was talking about when to harvest but, I have a feeling this applies in veg as well. WE'LL SEE!!
a longer veg time will certainly affect yield. the only potential problem would be if the plants outgrow the lights - meaning if the CFLs can not generate enough light to reach into the canopy after flowering begins (the plants usually at least double in size after switching to 12/12).


Well-Known Member
yeah we have definately taken that into serious consideration and keep adding lights as she gets bigger. We have been making sure the entire plant is covered. We really don't want her any bigger than she is at the moment that's why we plan on doing 12/12 in the next few days for sure...


Well-Known Member
yeah we have definately taken that into serious consideration and keep adding lights as she gets bigger. We have been making sure the entire plant is covered. We really don't want her any bigger than she is at the moment that's why we plan on doing 12/12 in the next few days for sure...
expect the plant to at least double in size after switching to 12/12. you may want to start tying it down now.


Active Member
Hey everyone! This is our girl! (Hopefully) She will be 7 weeks tomorrow. She is 15.25 inches tall and has been under continuous 24/7 lighting since the germinated seed was placed in the soil. She is being grown under CFL's. There are a total of 6 CFL's on her right now... We plan on putting her into 12/12 sometime this week. We want her to show on her own and then put her into flowering. She is a Sativa. I have put in a few pics. Please let us know if you think she is a SHE. Any input would be great. THANKS!!

:peace: :joint:
oh yes thats a female 4 sure nice looking plant bro one love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks man! I appreciate it! Dealing with a major heat wave right now and she's not liking it at ALL but I'm making some adjustments and throwing her into 12/12 at 2pm tomorrow so that should help with the heat problems A LOT. A good many sun leaves on the bottom have turned yellow and look like they got burn spots... : ( but i'm sure she'll pull thru! If you look in the "Marijuana Plant Problems" and click on the "Need Expert Help. Sudden Issues" you can check out pics of the heat issues if you like. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
If that thing's truly sativa (NO reason to doubt it) you're gonna have a huge, unruly maze of veg on your hands once you flip it into 12/12. Best at least know how to tie her down.


Well-Known Member
a longer veg time will certainly affect yield. the only potential problem would be if the plants outgrow the lights - meaning if the CFLs can not generate enough light to reach into the canopy after flowering begins (the plants usually at least double in size after switching to 12/12).
Like email said...a couple more weeks can add a lot to your yield.....treat those girls right.....your old mans right..... LUCK


Well-Known Member
If that thing's truly sativa (NO reason to doubt it) you're gonna have a huge, unruly maze of veg on your hands once you flip it into 12/12. Best at least know how to tie her down.
I'm pretty positive it's Sativa. It's completely different from the other two indicas we have. You have any suggestions on how to tie her down? Do I really need to? I mean she has the entire ROOM to grow. As long as I have her completely covered with light she should be good right? We are upgrading to HPS this week... We know that CFL's will not handle these plants farther into Flowering... Especially like you said, she'll be a monster that needs intense lighting.