Opinions on Digital Ballasts


Well-Known Member
i love my lumatek 1000 watt ballast. magnetic was too loud and hot for me. dead silent and it gets kinda hot but not nearly as hot as a magnetic ballast. i have heard good things about badass ballast by advanced nutrients. about the same price as lumatek maybe 20 or 30 more but its low frequency and the guy at the hydro shop told me its supposed to get less hot than lumatek. i will let ya know when i get one.
No one even mentioned the actual brand he was looking at..I ordered a 1000watt NextGen digital ballast that will arrive today.I read a lot on them and they are said to be great.look around people have great reviews.Small, light, air cooled,universal plug inputs and quiet.etc
Yes they operating seamlessly until they just dont lol.. any updates are yours still operating fine?