opinions please

CAM00292.jpg will post a couple more a little later. 175 watt mh on top with around 300 watts cfl. about 30 days old no nutes have been required yet. right at six nodes. none alternating yet. hope i got some females. the first was three males so i iso thwm and started these five babys from some decent bagseed.


Well-Known Member
will post a couple more a little later. 175 watt mh on top with around 300 watts cfl
If you got a 175 mh I would first get it down to the correct height, looks a little high, but maybe not. Then put the cfls on the sides, horizontal if possible.

I think if you look into it, the way your cfls are hanging, you are blocking a lot of your mh lighting.
Well i decided since they are on their six node to go ahead and introduce 12/12. Also decided its time to give them better light. before i had a 42 watt cfl on each one and two 42s on one. Then i had my 175w mh about a foot above just to throw out a little blue and maybe a coupke extra lumens. My 42s are all 2700k as i figured in flowering i can move the plants about six inchs from the mh and use the cfls as supplement side lighting for the buds. depending how the decide to.bud i may lst them a litrle just ro positiin the lights as close to the bud without burning the leaves or buds. light come on in aix hours if. they look muxh didferent ill post a pix or two. also i fitra find a way to position the lights for side lighring rhey are juat socjet and cords right now. anyways ill keep postinf so id anyone sees a misyake they can assist. thanks I'm not talkin bout grqmmer mistakes this phones touch keys are ssmall and hard to bit the right one and.I'm kinda medicatsd so be carefull and happy growin.
CAM00098.jpg the cab in production. the hid sits on top with a section cut for thw light to enter. makes for less heat as the mh is air cooled and the exhaust never entwrs the cab. this pic was before i decides to suplement with 3 42 watt cfls a 55watt cfl and one or two blue spectrum 26 watt cfls.
CAM00318.jpg just a small update right now. They seem to be coming along nicely. Preflowers are still small and my phone camera sucks so I'm not able to post any pics but they look tear dropped and kind of elongated. iat least two do. No hairs as if yet but I'm hoping.
CAM00328.jpgCAM00326.jpg couple more pics. still no hairs but only been three days since i.seen the first signs of sex. still can't tell yet. i have a 175 watt mh with a little mire cfl watts to go with it. is it ok to wait for whixh of thw four to be male ore female or should i concentrate one the best ones. alsi my reflector is nit a wide light patten anyway to make one like with the can.cfls? The bulbs smaller thn my 42 watt cfls
Well tonight i for sure have one male out of my top three. I cut his ass down and d ropped him on my second biggest one in black pot and inspecting it for damage i see the tell tale beautiful little whispy hair i been waiting to pop up and now that i got at least one i want to cline at least two more. I JUST seen the first sign of sex ima do some looking and get the grow on the road. Mom won't be "helping" any more she's bad luck but its all gonna get better from here. will post pics when you guys can actually see what I'm takin a shot at. Should i keep my others? Maybe two weeks max before i know what they are hell might as well. oh and the male got qwiso. bout to try and post a pic shits pretty decent for a male that just broke the sex
CAM00349.jpg that was entirely to challangin fo 4 am lil. looks female by tge hair but where's the freakin calyx it looks like the hair is growin off the new growths stem in the node. fourth node up and i just noticed that a few hours ago. it wasn't thefe yesterxay just confused as ti why i don't see the calyx and that's the only hair like apendage on the enitre plant.