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im not a white knight i know fulll well im no inteligent enought to debate and argue with u people my head hurt tryng to read all but trending them of this forum seems 2 be im right im gunna drag out an argument blahblah blah rignt or wrong youse all and alot of other people act like there shit dont stink and use these big words get over youresevles just becouss u can string together fancy er sentences than somebody really dont mean shit youe fukers make me wanna give in to tje voices in my head im not perfect i dont expect any one else to be but i think a few people need to go smoke a j and take a look at them selves i hope we can all work shit out n be mates alllways fun on here when every ones getting along:wall: :finger::bigjoint::peace::eyesmoke:
im not a white knight i know fulll well im no inteligent enought to debate and argue with u people my head hurt tryng to read all but trending them of this forum seems 2 be im right im gunna drag out an argument blahblah blah rignt or wrong youse all and alot of other people act like there shit dont stink and use these big words get over youresevles just becouss u can string together fancy er sentences than somebody really dont mean shit youe fukers make me wanna give in to tje voices in my head im not perfect i dont expect any one else to be but i think a few people need to go smoke a j and take a look at them selves i hope we can all work shit out n be mates alllways fun on here when every ones getting along:wall: :finger::bigjoint::peace::eyesmoke:
Precisely, when she did not like the advice about her weed's ammonia smell she called all of the regulars who tried to help her names, cock wrangler, cock cowboy and the list goes on. If she had paid any attention at all to the social milieu on RIU she would have been aware that her question should have been better asked in harvesting and curing but no it was all about the drama.

Many people tried to help her both publicly and privately and she ignored each and every one always knowing better. So here we are today.
^^^^^ That is how it began. So why did we show up in her thread here? Because she kept up the bashing in TnT after we asked her to stop. She posted there again last night and she regularly likes war socks posts to egg them on. So we have merely returned the 'favor'.

Essentially I have no wish to have any fight with you. If she would keep her histrionics out of TnT I would not be here.
im not a white knight i know fulll well im no inteligent enought to debate and argue with u people my head hurt tryng to read all but trending them of this forum seems 2 be im right im gunna drag out an argument blahblah blah rignt or wrong youse all and alot of other people act like there shit dont stink and use these big words get over youresevles just becouss u can string together fancy er sentences than somebody really dont mean shit youe fukers make me wanna give in to tje voices in my head im not perfect i dont expect any one else to be but i think a few people need to go smoke a j and take a look at them selves i hope we can all work shit out n be mates alllways fun on here when every ones getting along:wall: :finger::bigjoint::peace::eyesmoke:

She claims to be the victim, but she is the victim of her own behavior.
If she would stop taking whacks at us, we would not have to defend against them.
It is that simple.
im not a white knight i know fulll well im no inteligent enought to debate and argue with u people my head hurt tryng to read all but trending them of this forum seems 2 be im right im gunna drag out an argument blahblah blah rignt or wrong youse all and alot of other people act like there shit dont stink and use these big words get over youresevles just becouss u can string together fancy er sentences than somebody really dont mean shit youe fukers make me wanna give in to tje voices in my head im not perfect i dont expect any one else to be but i think a few people need to go smoke a j and take a look at them selves i hope we can all work shit out n be mates alllways fun on here when every ones getting along:wall: :finger::bigjoint::peace::eyesmoke:

Did you see her naked?
Fair enough im not taking sides i just was in the thread and saw anotherfight its bumming me out this forum is the only thing keeping me sane im struggling mentaly right now idk whatever i can see youre guys point pod that these sort of things happen i guess i got wrong wat this comunity is o hope in the future we can all be mates
Did you see her naked?
No im fuken spewing to no offense to any one but i live on thus sight and im man enough to admit that im addicted to nudes i havent had sexx in 2 years lol not lol i need to get a gf im spewin i missed out would be a big turn on for me to se a monen nude that i have talked to
No im fuken spewing to no offense to any one but i live on thus sight and im man enough to admit that im addicted to nudes i havent had sexx in 2 years lol not lol i need to get a gf

Your honesty is rare friend ....for that I applaud you and sit here on my toilet a bit puzzled.

I saw the nudes, you didn't miss anything. I hope you find a GF...if not it's ok ...your not missing much Giggle. I wish I could just jerk off into a sock or napkin sometimes....but I decided to pound my wife's vagina mercilessly until babies shot back out at me .....now I have two little mini versions of me eating my food and using up all my time for fapping and sex .....point being, if you do get a GF or even a nice prostitute ....stick with buttsex


@mr sunshine beautiful right
Lol ill probly end up going on a killing spree n end up in jail i cant afford a hooker or a gf for that matter cant get a job dont want a bulshit job however a good life aint free but u know working jobs for shit we dont need n shit then in tje weed scene where im at atleast u pretty mutch gotta play gangster if j wanna sell a bit of weed its fuked the whole worlds fuked man sometimes why cant every cunt just be chill lol
It is not something I've ever had to do, but I bet it would give you a bit more confidence around the ladies.
if got confadence but for some reason i think its peop,e misstake my kindness for weakness other dudes cant handle when its me like why is every one so woried about if thay look good or whatever i wanna be a good person but some times i think its needed to get violent and then the girl sees the nice shy boy turn skitzo and camt look me in tje eye i just dont wanna be that person like this peop,e who are famouse for being voilent cunts every o e wants a reputation of wow dont fuck with that guy i just wanna leugh and get along with every one every lifes 2 short but i feel one day im destined to snap for good and eatjer hurt myself or someone else
if got confadence but for some reason i think its peop,e misstake my kindness for weakness other dudes cant handle when its me like why is every one so woried about if thay look good or whatever i wanna be a good person but some times i think its needed to get violent and then the girl sees the nice shy boy turn skitzo and camt look me in tje eye i just dont wanna be that person like this peop,e who are famouse for being voilent cunts every o e wants a reputation of wow dont fuck with that guy i just wanna leugh and get along with every one every lifes 2 short but i feel one day im destined to snap for good and eatjer hurt myself or someone else

Not on the toilet anymore, but I'm still puzzled.....I suggest another joint of your strongest.

Hang in there.
Lol ill probly end up going on a killing spree n end up in jail i cant afford a hooker or a gf for that matter cant get a job dont want a bulshit job however a good life aint free but u know working jobs for shit we dont need n shit then in tje weed scene where im at atleast u pretty mutch gotta play gangster if j wanna sell a bit of weed its fuked the whole worlds fuked man sometimes why cant every cunt just be chill lol
How do you live? I mean how do you pay your bills?
How do you live? I mean how do you pay your bills?
im on dissability i have problem witch im sure use hav my now gathered i dont think ill ever have a legit job i mean i suxk at growing weed and whats the point o get a good life aint free but u know i wasent put on this earth just 2 work but i dont think i could last a day without telling somebody to fuck off or down right not be able 2 do the job i couldent handle embaresing myself like that i wish i could just grow all my own food and hunt a little and explore but ye i pretty mutch just come on here every day and listen to music n tryn figure this shit out sucks ass having tje mentel problems i have never been able 2 get any real help get put on all tjese meds that did fuck all tell em weed is the only thing that works and now ur in tje same class as meth heads n shit o well i gues im just gunna have 2 ride this shit out n find my thing
Girls don't like pushovers, it doesn't make them feel safe.
You gotta at least act like an arsehole.
im not a pushover bro but im not an asshole eather i can be the nicest bloke out there but if somebody has crossed me like really been a prick put shit on me ecetera iv got no problems getting tje shit kiked out of me buy multuple people im not abitch im not a fighter eather but i dont want peop,e to think im psycotic i used to qet in alot of trouble as a kid never had many freinds becuse of it nothing worse for me then when somebody that i like sees me go off then cant even look me in tje eye or is scared of me like i might hurt them or snap or some shot witch sucks cuse id only hir sombody if thay hurt me first
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