Ordering Seeds


Active Member
So i've finally got a acct. on here been smurfing for over a year, havn't been able to smoke for most of that time cause of my job, and I definatly want to grow, matter of fact i've constructed a rubbermaid box, i just gotta throw some lights and fans in there and i'm good to go. My question is about ordering seeds, after reading on here for a long time now it seems pretty clear that a fair majority of growers order they're seeds online and don't seem to have any problems, like with the law. Is it safe to just pay for a credit card and wait for them to show up? Are these online seedbanks watched/monitered? Are the authorities going to seem a pack shipped from them to my address and come and raid me? I would just paysome i know cash and have them use they're card and address that i know doesn't smoke normally, but i'm in a new city and don't know anyone I can trust to do that. I guess what i'm asking is, has anyone here had problems having seeds shipped to their house? Or how many of you have done that and nothing bad's happened? Any input would be very great.


bud bootlegger
i just got my package in the mail today, and so far no popo are knocking at me door to see what was in my package, lol... i have ordered maybe ten times or so from online, and haven't had a problem yet.. i just pay with my cc and get it sent to my apartment with no problems.. i just read a thread the other day where someone used a fake name to get them sent to his place and they got sent back to the seedbank, so i would not suggest doing this... either just get them sent to your place, or someone that you know, but since you said you just moved,sending them to your place is fine, especially if you haven't started growing yet..


Active Member
it is not illegal to have seeds shipped to your house, but it is illegal to germinate them. though if customs find them going to an illegal state than they will most likely dispose of them. Probably go unoted unless there were an unusual large amount of seeds


Active Member
if you're going to order I suggest biting the bullet and ordering from attitude now. Until the 7th they're giving away 5 skunk crosses(3 seeds of each) and they have tracking on their packages. I just placed my first order from them last night and have done alot of research. Used a mastercard it's all good.


Well-Known Member
ordered from the attitude ,only took 7 buisness days to arrive,(visa card) no problems here.i think its safer to just use your own name and address,people talk to much.someone who is your friend today may be your enemy tommorrow.


Active Member
Thanx to all of you for replying, i think that I'm just going to go ahead and order, who know what you'll get from bagsead? Plus i'f i'm going to all this trouble i might as well grow some killer