,ore yield for the $$ dim 50% 75% or 100% in which weeks of the flower cycle


Active Member
HI Just upgraded all my magnetic hps 1000w in my flower rooms for brand new dimmables. So the question I have,
would I gain a lot more yields by keeping them on 100% power for the complete 8 weeks? or is there a better schedule using the dimming function on certain weeks and if so what is the schedule? or would i be better to choose a dimming schedule because i wont loose that much yield and my electricity bill will be lower?
A Friend told me he runs his at 50% till weeks 6 then turns it too 100%. he said its wasting power having full in the first 4 weeks.
to be honest I think he's full of it, so i need to ask!!
Thanks again


Well-Known Member
its a gimmick...you run that bitch 100% 100% of the time anything else is gonna kill bulbs and lower yield.


Well-Known Member
The only time I ever dim is when i have seedlings in the flower room, the harsh light can hurt em.

Typically though i veg with either 400w cmh or my led, so i really don't need to worry about overloading plants in flower.