

Well-Known Member
I have been juggling the idea for a couple of years of moving out to Oregon from Ohio. I just got laid off at the end of February and have enough in my "rainy day" fund to make this happen. I have a few questions for the locals, what are some of the better cities/towns to move to in Oregon? I know the state is in the dumps for unemployment, are there any employment opportunities? Cops, are they everywhere or few and far between? How is the green scene?

When I was in the service most of my good friends were from Oregon,Washington, Idaho, Montana. They were laid back, chill, and loved the outdoors, am I just stereotyping or is this pretty accurate for the area?

I know it rains pretty much daily, but judging from weather.com averages it stays cool during the summer and the winters don't seem to be near as bad as what we have in NE Ohio. Any input would be greatly appreciated. :bigjoint: