Organic LED Multi-Strain Medical Grow - Area 51 XGS-190 + Vipar 96x3w Panels


Well-Known Member
As a patient and under compliance of all medical marijuana laws I decided to start providing my own medicine instead of spending ridiculous prices at the dispensaries.

They were vegged under two Area 51 XGS-190 panels in 130w mode. Late last month I was forced to add two more lights to the tent since the Girl Scout Cookies stretched like a mofo. I'm already well over $1500 into this grow so I didn't want to shell out another $1000 for two more Area 51's (although I would love to!)

Strains (Clones): 8 plants total - Girl Scout Cookies, Purple Arrow, Mendo Afgoo, Maple Leaf, Blueberry, Cheese
Tent: Secret Jardin DR120 4x4
Ventilation: 6" Vortex S-Line w/ Passive Intake + HVAC provides fresh outdoor air 24 hours a day. Three 6 inch fans and one 10 inch fan providing circulation/air movement at all times.
Nutes: 3/4 strength General Organics w/ AACT's every few weeks + Added Molasses. I feed with every watering.
Medium: Organic Bagged Soil (Supranatural Brand - Local Company) - 5 gallon fabric pots
Lighting: 2 x Vipar 96x3w LED and 2 x Area 51 XGS 190 LED - 12-24 inches from canopy
Temps: 62-65 at night, 70-78 day above canopy. ~66 degrees under canopy during 'lights on'
PH: Don't check. Won't check. It's organic!

I won't call this 100% organic since I started this back in November when I didn't really understand how, when, and what nutes to feed my ladies. At the time I fed them a dose of the GH Flora series and they didn't like it at all. Immediately after I noticed different deficiencies and slight burning since I realized that I didn't have a clear understanding on PH and how to accurately measure it in soil.

After many headaches I got some sound advice from a member here to try the General Organics GO Box. I ordered that and have been feeding them it along with AACT's every once and a while. Since I switched to organics (mid December), the plants have more or less thrived. I'm shocked by their ability to grow and how far they have came since I started growing them in mid-November.

Sometimes I feel like a crammed too many plants into one area, but I actually kind of love it! (next grow I'm planning on four plants in the tent instead of eight) The tent has turned into a jungle of different strains. Before I flipped to 12/12, I tried to use a SCROG net to keep the canopy even, but once they started stretching they just exploded and growth and I couldn't really do anything about it. This left some plants too far from the Area 51 panels so I picked up two cheap chinese LED panels (Vipar Brand) that seem to be working really well so far!

Growth has been explosive lately, but I did notice some slight overfeeding symptoms. With Mendo I believe it has a bit of nitrogen toxicity and the Girl Scouts have been showing some slight signs of Phosphorus deficiency. But tonight I'm feeding them a delicious Phosphorus rich AACT that should help them out.

Here are some photos that I took last night. I can post earlier photos if anyone is interested.




Well-Known Member
I'm subbed for this one.. Good lights , good strains, organic, plants are very healthy... You can't go wrong


Well-Known Member
As a patient and under compliance of all medical marijuana laws I decided to start providing my own medicine instead of spending ridiculous prices at the dispensaries.

They were vegged under two Area 51 XGS-190 panels in 130w mode. Late last month I was forced to add two more lights to the tent since the Girl Scout Cookies stretched like a mofo. I'm already well over $1500 into this grow so I didn't want to shell out another $1000 for two more Area 51's (although I would love to!)

Strains (Clones): 8 plants total - Girl Scout Cookies, Purple Arrow, Mendo Afgoo, Maple Leaf, Blueberry, Cheese
Tent: Secret Jardin DR120 4x4
Ventilation: 6" Vortex S-Line w/ Passive Intake + HVAC provides fresh outdoor air 24 hours a day. Three 6 inch fans and one 10 inch fan providing circulation/air movement at all times.
Nutes: 3/4 strength General Organics w/ AACT's every few weeks + Added Molasses. I feed with every watering.
Medium: Organic Bagged Soil (Supranatural Brand - Local Company) - 5 gallon fabric pots
Lighting: 2 x Vipar 96x3w LED and 2 x Area 51 XGS 190 LED - 12-24 inches from canopy
Temps: 62-65 at night, 70-78 day above canopy. ~66 degrees under canopy during 'lights on'
PH: Don't check. Won't check. It's organic!

I won't call this 100% organic since I started this back in November when I didn't really understand how, when, and what nutes to feed my ladies. At the time I fed them a dose of the GH Flora series and they didn't like it at all. Immediately after I noticed different deficiencies and slight burning since I realized that I didn't have a clear understanding on PH and how to accurately measure it in soil.

After many headaches I got some sound advice from a member here to try the General Organics GO Box. I ordered that and have been feeding them it along with AACT's every once and a while. Since I switched to organics (mid December), the plants have more or less thrived. I'm shocked by their ability to grow and how far they have came since I started growing them in mid-November.

Sometimes I feel like a crammed too many plants into one area, but I actually kind of love it! (next grow I'm planning on 4 plants in the tent instead of 8) The tent has turned into a jungle of different strains. Before I flipped to 12/12, I tried to use a SCROG net to keep the canopy even, but once they started stretching they just exploded and growth and I couldn't really do anything about it. This left some plants too far from the Area 51 panels so I picked up two cheap chinese LED panels (Vipar Brand) that seem to be working really well so far!

Growth has been explosive lately, but I did notice some slight overfeeding symptoms. With Mendo I believe it has a bit of nitrogen toxicity and the Girl Scouts have been showing some slight signs of Phosphorus deficiency. But tonight I'm feeding them a delicious Phosphorus rich AACT that should help them out.

Here are some photos that I took last night. I can post earlier photos if anyone is interested.


Is this really your first grow!!^? GREAT JOB!


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone!
Yes, this is my first grow ever :)

I just watered the 3 Girl Scouts and the Purple Arrow with an AACT that I started brewing 24 hours ago.
For the Girl Scouts I cut the tea 50% with rain water and added 1/2 teaspoon of BioBud per gallon. For Purple Arrow I cut it about 30% tea, 70% rain water.
Hopefully this will give them the Phosphorus they seem to be craving! I previously posted a question about the leaves turning purple and some older fan leaves curling up.


Here was my AACT recipe:

  • - 1 cup earthworm castings
  • - 2/3 cup indonesian bat guano
  • - 1/4 cup peruvian seabird guano
  • - 1/4 cup alfalfa meal
  • - 1/8 cup jamaican bat guano
  • - 1/8 cup kelp meal
  • - 5 TBSP unsulfured blackstrap molasses

Tomorrow I will feed the other 4 plants in the garden with this same AACT 1:3 rain water.

On my Blueberry plant I discovered something else a couple days ago that I've kept my eye on.
It's since gotten a bit worse. I'm not sure what's going on though...
A spotty copper/bronze color is developing between the veins of the fan leaves towards the top of the plant. I've tried to search for info on what this could be, but I'm really stumped - does anyone have a clue? Blueberry is the only plant in the tent that has never received an AACT.

Here are some photos of it:



Active Member
Thanks everyone!
Yes, this is my first grow ever :)

I just watered the 3 Girl Scouts and the Purple Arrow with an AACT that I started brewing 24 hours ago.
For the Girl Scouts I cut the tea 50% with rain water and added 1/2 teaspoon of BioBud per gallon. For Purple Arrow I cut it about 30% tea, 70% rain water.
Hopefully this will give them the Phosphorus they seem to be craving! I previously posted a question about the leaves turning purple and some older fan leaves curling up.

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Here was my AACT recipe:

  • - 1 cup earthworm castings
  • - 2/3 cup indonesian bat guano
  • - 1/4 cup peruvian seabird guano
  • - 1/4 cup alfalfa meal
  • - 1/8 cup jamaican bat guano
  • - 1/8 cup kelp meal
  • - 5 TBSP unsulfured blackstrap molasses

Tomorrow I will feed the other 4 plants in the garden with this same AACT 1:3 rain water.

On my Blueberry plant I discovered something else a couple days ago that I've kept my eye on.
It's since gotten a bit worse. I'm not sure what's going on though...
A spotty copper/bronze color is developing between the veins of the fan leaves towards the top of the plant. I've tried to search for info on what this could be, but I'm really stumped - does anyone have a clue? Blueberry is the only plant in the tent that has never received an AACT.

Here are some photos of it:

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foliar Epsom @ 1tbs/g, and keep brewing teas with molasses it is very rich in ca and mg and K with little Fe. The deficiency will work itself out. BB is probably a mag monster if the rest of the crop don't show deficiencies.


Well-Known Member
I had mag issues in early veg and used epsom salt to fix it then. The color was more yellow but the pattern it showed is the same as it is now. I Foliar sprayed some epsom salt on the affected plant. Carefully trying not to spray any water on the bud sites. Ill soil drench the compost tea with a touch of epsoms when blueberry gets watered tonight. That should help :)
i appreciate the advice :)

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
Looking Good Brother Subbed Up.Now from My Experience With The BlueBerry Strains Is They are Mag Whore's


Well-Known Member
Just fed Blueberry, Cheese, Mendo Afgoo, and Maple Leaf just now with the AACT 1/2 cut with rain water. Added 1.5 tsp of Epsom Salt to Blueberry's tea for an added boost of Mg.

Also, found some more dying leaves on the Girl Scout Cookies today and a couple on Maple Leaf. Is it normal to see a bit of Phosphorous deficiency during flowering? The buds keep growing and otherwise seem very healthy. I hope everything turns out well in the end!

Here are some pictures of the affected leaves:

Screen Shot 2014-02-12 at 10.09.25 PM.jpg

And some more photos of the jungle:

Screen Shot 2014-02-12 at 10.10.07 PM.jpgScreen Shot 2014-02-12 at 10.10.24 PM.jpgScreen Shot 2014-02-12 at 10.10.43 PM.jpgScreen Shot 2014-02-12 at 10.11.00 PM.jpgScreen Shot 2014-02-12 at 10.12.38 PM.jpgScreen Shot 2014-02-12 at 10.13.23 PM.jpgScreen Shot 2014-02-12 at 10.12.59 PM.jpg
Just fed Blueberry, Cheese, Mendo Afgoo, and Maple Leaf just now with the AACT 1/2 cut with rain water. Added 1.5 tsp of Epsom Salt to Blueberry's tea for an added boost of Mg.

Also, found some more dying leaves on the Girl Scout Cookies today and a couple on Maple Leaf. Is it normal to see a bit of Phosphorous deficiency during flowering? The buds keep growing and otherwise seem very healthy. I hope everything turns out well in the end!

Here are some pictures of the affected leaves:

View attachment 2993003

And some more photos of the jungle:

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What china lights did you buy and are they any good ? Im looking for my first LED. Btw your babies are so beautiful


Well-Known Member
I picked up them on eBay. Search for: Vipar C300.
I don't expect them to last as long as my area 51s, but they're sufficient for filling in the shaded edges of the tent where the two Area 51 panel don't reach well.
Supposedly they cover 4' x 2' which is the main reason I went with them. Realistically they probably cover 3' x 2' but hell, they're definitely growing sticky flowers!
Ty :)

What china lights did you buy and are they any good ? Im looking for my first LED. Btw your babies are so beautiful


Well-Known Member
You sure know how to right a catchy title :bigjoint:

I love the photo that shows both lights on and the plants. I'd blow that up to 2 x 3 and hang it on my wall

First time grower? I want to see the lie detector test results. Man, that is Fn amazing.

Now, I'm a hydro guy. Over the last 2 years I have developed a unique high performance rez that allows me to feed my girls a healthy turbo and super charged sip of high energy nutes every 30-45 minutes during lights on.

You want explosive growth and big yields, oh and high Q bud?

I am finishing a grow with HPR 2.0 now: active thread is on another cannabis forum site, but you can see my last RIU thread for ideas, if interested.

In the mean time, I'll be watching.


Well-Known Member
Haha I might just have to blow it up and frame it :D
I started researching how to grow in October and spent about a few weeks doing homework. I bought 5 seeds to start but soon killed them. Those seeds sprouted and I over-watered them within a week - Lol...
I took another two weeks of research and decided to buy the new area 51's at the time (xgs 190's). When they arrived, I bought these 8 clones from the dispensary and have been growing ever since.

Your setup sounds amazing. I might have to try hydro in the future!
I love constantly watching my plants, and I hear hydro requires a lot of attention/monitoring.

On another note, I think my night time temperatures might be getting a tad bit too low sometimes? (62-64 degrees) To my understanding, this may be why some of the ladies are showing some signs of Phosphorus def? They seem to be getting plenty of P.
When the lights are on, I am monitoring the temperatures near the pots/roots and they're always around 65-70. Too cold? These lights run so damn cool and the canopy is so thick that the little heat they generate doesn't seem to reach the lower part of the tent where the roots are located. However, right above and just into the canopy the temps are around 72-75 and sometimes go to 77 when the lights are on.

You sure know how to right a catchy title :bigjoint:

I love the photo that shows both lights on and the plants. I'd blow that up to 2 x 3 and hang it on my wall

First time grower? I want to see the lie detector test results. Man, that is Fn amazing.

Now, I'm a hydro guy. Over the last 2 years I have developed a unique high performance rez that allows me to feed my girls a healthy turbo and super charged sip of high energy nutes every 30-45 minutes during lights on.

You want explosive growth and big yields, oh and high Q bud?

I am finishing a grow with HPR 2.0 now: active thread is on another cannabis forum site, but you can see my last RIU thread for ideas, if interested.

In the mean time, I'll be watching.

yeah B U B B A

Well-Known Member
bruh im in love with them lights.! your grow is pretty awesome., u spent some money on your first grow but thats great though.! question., are u testing your ph in the rain water.? with the dying leaves., you are going to see some more dying leaves until everything is back stable again.! but maaaaan., u doing your thing.! keep watching them.! its amazing something u love to smoke and its growing right in front of face and in your own home lol.!


Well-Known Member

My system is easy-peasy

Should you decide to give hydro a try, feel free to ask questions