Organic, stealth, CFL grow.


Well-Known Member
Those plants are looking great, I have my own little CFL grow going, but my poor Lowryder#2's are just growing too slowly.

Hey, if you dont mind me asking, for the sake of myself and others on this forum, how exactly did you end up getting busted? Neighbors? Angry friend?
Hi grassfield, thanks for looking in :-)

I had a go with some LOwryders over the last two years, but was dissapointed with them. Many others love them! I find that they autoflower just too fast for my liking. The strain I am growing is however a Lowryder cross! Its predominantly AK47, but it was crossed with LR selected for its short stature and fast flowering qualities BUT the autoflowering trait has been bred out of them. Result is a strain that you can veg up but will then flower fast and stay fairly short. The hit is pretty much AK47 I find. There's some variants within the strain, many of them produce purple calyx's (sp?) with white pistils....this one does not have that trait. The cross was made by a respected breeder at HG420 and distributed as freebies by DrChronic (seeds).

The bust? I am careful not to say too much, its still very painful in my mind. I'll just say that I got too invloved in UK activism, let slip far too many little details and found myself on the receiving end of a search warrant and a visit from the Tactical Support Unit. I have no doubt from the warrant that they were looking for 'supply' but I dont do that. I was subsequently arrested and spent 6 hours in a cell. When I was questioned they produced printed material from a UK cannabis website as evidence which totally shocked me! As it was my first offence in 50 years I was cautioned. For this reason I will only now grow a couple of plants at a time and like to keep everything very simple looking as I am sure you will understand! My advice to anyone growing is to keep your heads down and just enjoy it for yourself. As much its tempting to fight back against an unjust law the consequences are a high price to pay.

I'll say no more on the subject if you dont mind :-)

Pythig: Sorry to hear about your experience. I would not wish it on my worst enemy, it feels so unjust yet theres nothing you can do about it.

Plants looking good still, put 2 litres water through each of them yesterday, let the run off sit and it was drawn back in. Will water feed again in 2 days time and add latest pics.


Well-Known Member
Day 39 12/12.

Decided to take a couple more shots under the CFL's! Urbanfunk above refered to the LST.... this shot shows how much I trained them round and down. For a two week veg I would not have liked to do too much more! This continued right up until last week but now I'll leave them alone to finish. About 3.5 weeks to go.

Other two show:

The Bubba O Kush (Right pic )

AK47/LR ( Middle pic )



Well-Known Member
Two more shots: taken under the CFL's in my tight cabinet. 10" diameter pots, temps 76 ish/65 night... day 40 of 12/12. 350watts CFL's plus 3 fans, 2 cabinet mounted, plus circulation fan external. Fed seaweed/fishy ness!!



Well-Known Member
what are the little white balls in the soil called?
Thats just Perlite. I add about 20% Perlite to my soil mix which is a free draining loam based soil anyway.

I'm at 6 weeks and 2 days today of 12/12. Buds are putting on weight now and really frosting up well. I'm well impressed with what these CFL's are capable of :-)

I aim to harvest around 9 weeks. Will update with more pics next couple of days.


Well-Known Member
6 weeks + 3 days 12/12 today!

Slowly getting there, I'll cut these at around 9 weeks as usual. Pics show the AK47/LR and the Bubba O Kush gradually yellowing now. Had a PK boost last feed and now I'll probably just let them finish with a flush for the last couple of weeks or so. The taste of the kush when touched is intensly sweet, and the AK47 STINKS :eyesmoke:... I have found this to be generally the case with the AK47/ AK48 strains.

Two shots LEFT: AK47/Lowryder

Two shots RIGHT: Bubba O Kush.



Well-Known Member
DUDE!! fucking A on your plants, they looking great bra! keep up the good work, ill be around for the grow to see how shit turns out


Well-Known Member
DUDE!! fucking A on your plants, they looking great bra! keep up the good work, ill be around for the grow to see how shit turns out
Thank you MM :-)

Day 45 of 12/12. Aiming to harvest this one around day 63/65- ish.

Budshots of the Bubba O Kush just taken. Shes gaining weight daily now, I love watching the last couple of weeks :-) CFL's start to finish, fed ONLY fresh seaweed/kelps etc.

Bubba Kush x OG Kush, seeds made by Organic Herbalist of HG420. This strain has been my favourite for several years now.

I'll take some close ups of the AK47/LR next!



Well-Known Member
.....And heres the AK47/LR mutant Again day 45.

Also a shot into the cabinet so you can see my training methods. Note I have just cut all those strings to let them finish and removed the dead lower fans. You can see the 'celery stick' mutant stem and the triple bud with layered leafing. Shes a keeper.



Well-Known Member
.....And heres the AK47/LR mutant Again day 45.

Also a shot into the cabinet so you can see my training methods. Note I have just cut all those strings to let them finish and removed the dead lower fans. You can see the 'celery stick' mutant stem and the triple bud with layered leafing. Shes a keeper.
Great gro bro. REally looking nice. I look forward to seeing how fat they get over the next couple weeks. Definitly hit em up with some water and mollasses these last couple weeks to fatten those nugs up and make em o so swee.



Active Member
Beautiful plants. Sorry to hear about your misfortune. You got lucky though. I'm sure if you were some punk kid they might have locked you up for a while over some f'in plants. =\


Well-Known Member
Great gro bro. REally looking nice. I look forward to seeing how fat they get over the next couple weeks. Definitly hit em up with some water and mollasses these last couple weeks to fatten those nugs up and make em o so swee.

Sexologist: Thank you :-) I will add mollasses next watering to boost those carbs then plain water to finish.

'Thesalesman': Appreciate the words :-) Thanks for looking in.

Its day 49 12/12 today just took more pics. The Kush is building very dense buds now. This has been an experimental grow and my first CFL grow. Future grows I will go back to using Bio-Bizz I think rather than seaweeds alone for a better balance, but otherwise I'm well pleased so far. Photos show the AK47/LR mutuant and a close up of the biggest Kush bud. 2 more weeks then I need to chop.

These plants were germinated on 1st January, so for roughly 9 weeks from seed they're not bad I think.

Impressions so far of my first CFL grow:-

1. I see no reason to change back to HPS.
2. Seaweed gives excellent vegatative growth and development.
3. Next grow will be BioBizz bloom during flowering +mollasses.
4. I'll go back to SCROGGING again to keep that canopy more even.



Well-Known Member
Sexologist: Thank you :-) I will add mollasses next watering to boost those carbs then plain water to finish.

'Thesalesman': Appreciate the words :-) Thanks for looking in.

Its day 49 12/12 today just took more pics. The Kush is building very dense buds now. This has been an experimental grow and my first CFL grow. Future grows I will go back to using Bio-Bizz I think rather than seaweeds alone for a better balance, but otherwise I'm well pleased so far. Photos show the AK47/LR mutuant and a close up of the biggest Kush bud. 2 more weeks then I need to chop.

They look nice man!!!! how much u think on them?


Well-Known Member
They look nice man!!!! how much u think on them?

Urbanfunk: Cheers mate, Re yield, well its hard to say. This is my first CFL grow but the buds look to be as dense as HPS to me. My target was a modest close to 1oz fully dry per plant. Under my old HPS and looking at them with 2 weeks to go I would expect to average about 1.5 dry each as I only ever vegged for a couple of weeks. To be honest though I'm happy with whatever I get, the quality looks to be very good, the Kush is caked in trichs but I think the AK will yield more.

I'll catch up on your UK cheese thread as I'm hoping for another cut from a mate v soon :-)


Well-Known Member
fucking ace!
Thank you Kinghash bongsmilie

Well, its day 51 today, thought I'd try some close ups of the buds. Frsoting nicely now and I can see no sign of 'popcorn' buds at all from these CFL's, they look every bit as good as HPS grown buds to me and I have many years of experience of growing with HPS lamps.

New pics show:-

Bubba O kush bud (Left )

AK47/LR bud (second from left ) & and the mutant bud from the 'celery stick' stem of the same plant ( Third from left)

Oh those crazy CFL's !!! ( 300watts of 2700k + 50watts of 6500k ) (Right)

The AK in the cabinet ( Second from right.)



Well-Known Member
Thank you TeeTreeOil :-) Appreciate the rep. That Kush is the last of my Kush seeds so I intend to reveg her for cuts.


Well-Known Member
Just to add: the plant I decided to reveg at week 4 due to lack of space has come back well under 20/4 for 3 weeks. About another 2 weeks and she will go back into 12/12 for a full flowering period.

Ordered clonex/cubes/superthrive/PH down and a few more bits today..... they even seized my packet of Molasses when I was busted, seriously !!!!

Heres the reveg.... sfter 3 weeks, you can see plenty of vigorous new growth.



Well-Known Member
The AK47x is yellowing fast now, but those buds are still throwing out foxtails all over.... I want her to do another 10 days or so.

Plain water all the way now.

