Organic vs. Synthetic (Cleaner High)

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That makes no sense. You could easily use that same blumat system to feed the plants vegative nutrients.
of course i can but i choose to do it my way same thing as how i choose my style of plant i decide i want to do For instance i will be growing trees this year but also will have one plant no more then 3 feet high but that one plant will cover a area like a blanket my goal is one plant 250 - 350 Sq feet like a blanket on your bed grown sideways
Plus, wouldn't your plants be twice as big if you fed them synthetic nutrients during veg? Once the buds set the stretch is over, and the plants are as big as they're going to get.

So you're growing plants half the size that they would otherwise be, because.....?

Of course i could go chem but remember its not in my back yard growing weed is mandatory jail sentence where i live
So with that said my grow can be 6 hrs away from my location and well as cost facto's of feeding chemical for its entire life
Have you ever grown a MJ plant that is 10 - 12 feet tall and same circumference ??? talking 1 plant that dry weight is 6 - 9 pounds ??? chemical costs would be crazy
I will post some pics of my grow with 5 months from now will be monsters grown from the sun >>
i use solar powered low volume water pump with build in manifold my own DIY drip rings , 24 " and 48" with constant water from creek watering plants at a drip :)
when flower starts i switch to 264 gallon res chemical bubbled water nutrient commercial farm grade triple 19 and this is where i am around more usually camping close by or going there on weekend to fill almost empty res and re mix nutrients thats how i do it sure i can leave it fully organic but i choose not to
Yup this. ^^^^^ Cause "he ain't claiming his weed is the best". He's just trashing everyone else. But he doesn't have to post picts to prove anything to anyone... LOL!

Yup this. ^^^^^ Cause "he ain't claiming his weed is the best". He's just trashing everyone else. But he doesn't have to post picts to prove anything to anyone... LOL!

that's right, troll tactics don't work on me, But again, it's nice that you thought it would. Besides, i could post a pic of the prettiest bud in the world, you are just sitting there circling so you can talk shit, so take that shit back to the playground son.
So what you are saying is you don't grow organic at all....

and here is a perfect puppet troll saying i do not grow organic lmao fucking clowns really no worries i grow organic many things from apples to potatoes i am so going to have to take some pictures this week end show you all 50 tons of manure hell might even to a vid hahaha teach you all what real growing is all about other then MJ whats even better will have to call find out when chem company is going to spread seed and feed wold love to show you all how they figure out how much liquid per acre needed
Tilling this week end its already started spreading winter manures
that's right, troll tactics don't work on me, But again, it's nice that you thought it would. Besides, i could post a pic of the prettiest bud in the world, you are just sitting there circling so you can talk shit, so take that shit back to the playground son.
Dodge much? I posted up my pict. You said it didn't look that good. SO I'm waiting to see how a pro like yourself does it.

and here is a perfect puppet troll saying i do not grow organic lmao fucking clowns really no worries i grow organic many things from apples to potatoes i am so going to have to take some pictures this week end show you all 50 tons of manure hell might even to a vid hahaha teach you all what real growing is all about other then MJ whats even better will have to call find out when chem company is going to spread seed and feed wold love to show you all how they figure out how much liquid per acre needed
Please do. We're going to sit here and laugh at you. While you're at it, why don't you tell me how your chemical ferts affect long term soil tilth and microlife? And explain to me again how neem meal attracts bad insects, or how blood meal repels bad insects? You don't know the first damn thing about organic gardening, and everyone reading your posts can see that.

Dodge much?

Please do. We're going to sit here and laugh at you. While you're at it, why don't you tell me how your chemical ferts affect long term soil tilth and microlife? And explain to me again how neem meal attracts bad insects, or how blood meal repels bad insects? You don't know the first damn thing about organic gardening, and everyone reading your posts can see that.

Act like a hypocrite douche much?
got some pics for you guys, unfortunately, it's just what i am smoking right now, not sure if was organic or not.sorry about the shitty camera phone pics0513151224.jpgdownsized_0513151223.jpg downsized_0513151224a.jpg
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