Our ghetto CFL grow


This is our first grow. Currently we have it set up with 4 26 watt and 2 43 watt cfl's.
I built the reflector myself out of some dryer ducting. I found out how by a post I found on this site. It cost me $20 to make, not including the bulbs. It came out pretty good, even if it is homemade. The plants sit in 3 gallon pots with FF ocean forest soil and I have them running on a 24hr light cycle currently. Once I see more growth out of the smaller one, I will switch to 16/8. The smaller one is pretty much fucked, but I still have hopes for it.
If anyone has any advice or insight on how I can improve it, by all means, let me know. :leaf:



Illegal Smile

Hard to tell from the pics but looks like those bulbs could be closer at this age. 2-3 inches.


An update. 10 days later. the big one seems to be doing well. still vegging and I have 3 more started. Going to separate the 2 once I have more lights. Had to pull the smaller one as it died somehow. Not sure what happened, but right before I transplanted, it got really unhealthy.
Hoping to start flowering "Beatrix" in a couple of weeks. Nice name right...



Well-Known Member
Switch to 16/8 and u will see faster growth, just keep th lights as close as possible. I veg on 24/0 when I want to keep um short and stalky. But if u give them those 8 hours of sleep they will shoot up crazy! Just something I've noticed. There are looking good bro.


Thinking of what I should do about flowering. I was thinking of moving them every 12 hrs to a dark isolated space I have, but I'm worried about stressing them. I will have to rig up something that's light proof where they are now. I would rather not move them, but it seemed to be the simplest thing to do. I'm going all CFL on this one. 2700k for flowering. A timer is a def must have as well.
I thought about getting an hps system, but I just don't have the funds for that.
I'm also trying to decide on FF big bloom or tiger bloom. Any recommendations on which works better?
Updated pictures of "beatrix" and 3 more I started from bagseed.



Well-Known Member
Plant look awesome man:clap::clap::clap:, why get HPS when you got a little bush like this. Iv'e seen HPS and MH plants that are wayy more stretched out than this (not good stretched out). I use the Big Bloom with a few other additives, but i heard it nothing compared to the Tiger Bloom. And your lucky that seedling made it , Ocean Forest is really strong.


I did have beatrix in some old potting soil I got from the store a while ago, but I transplanted to FF OC a couple of weeks ago and it seems to love it. It has really taken off since then. The seedling popped up within 2 days as well in the FF. So far, I'm very happy with this soil, even if it is a little pricey.
I've heard from a number of people that Tiger Bloom is the best. I think I'll go with that when I start flowering. As much as I would like this plant to get a little bigger, I'm so ready to see some flower growth and see the sex. It would be a huge disappointment if this turned male, but this our first grow and I've learned a lot. I have a feeling she's a girl though.
Maybe next week I'll start flowering. I gotta see it. Haha!

Red rhino grower

New Member
Yeah, it basically is. I had to go cheap. That's why I built my own reflector. It came out pretty good though.
I might start flowering mine next week
Yea I feel you on the cheapness. If I could have a 1000 watt light I would. I'm not able to afford the light or the electric bill that would follow.


Active Member
take a look at my grow man. it cost me 30-40 dollars to make the box! that will help you a ton i think


take a look at my grow man. it cost me 30-40 dollars to make the box! that will help you a ton i think
Not bad, that's what I was originally going to make, something along those lines. I might have to seriously consider it now since I will be flowering soon.
Nice grow btw