Our GIRL "Killer" is flowering! (PICS)


Well-Known Member
hey canna hows is killer going... ?

my babies have died and passed away due to out frost here in aust :(
AWWW!!! *hugs shroomy* i'm so sorry to hear about your babies. :( i can't wait til you can grow indoor! killer is doing great and my frosty one (killer's sis) is getting crazy crystals on her. Damn im really bummed about your babies. there's no way you can start an indoor huh?


Well-Known Member
uh i look at those leaves and think mold for some reason also see the signs of spider mites little webbies floating on the plant


Well-Known Member
yeah alot of webs on dat shit :[
No, those are cat hairs. my cats were getting in the grow room and the bastards shed. the plant is so sticky that the hairs stick to it. i'm getting them cleaned off...my fingers get so sticky pulling off a couple hairs. there's no mold on her leaves either. her leaves have looked this way since birth. some people on here has called her retarded..i have a feeling she's going to make me retarded!! :hump: right, cheetah? lol