outdoor drying location barn or closet?


Well-Known Member
Hey i have two places I'm thinking of drying my buds, One is my barn the other is a closet in my house. I really cant have my house stinking like buds so i want to avoid the closet if i can, or will putting the buds in bags in the closet with a fan in there or something keep the smell to a minimum. Also, as for the barn, its going to be around October when the buds are harvested and hung so will a top level of a barn be too cold? Maybe some bags boxes space heater? i dunno whats more practical guys?


Misguided Angel
I use one of my spare bathrooms, has a heat vent if it gets too cold, I use the ceiling fan to get rid of the smell and stale air. I also use a humidifier or dehumidifer depending on my conditions. A small fan to keep the air circulating but not blowing directly on the buds will do nice. I hang my buds from my shower curtain rod, have been able to fit over a pound no prob in the past.


Active Member
im going to do mine in an outdoor shed. its an open air shed and i will hang thm in a vented metal box. this is my first grow. like you i cant have the odor in the house with kids and their freinds around.


Well-Known Member
lol so i smoked this stuff that smelled like cow shit once and it wrecked me and anyone who smoked it. we called it the cow shit, maybe they dried it in a barn? haha