outdoor FL grow 2012


Active Member
3.jpg4.jpg4.jpgwell unfortunately i dont really have access to good seeds here so i have to grow bag seed,which isnt so bad. you can get some seeds from crappy weed and when you grow it it could be some amazing bud,but my friend said he might be able to get me a durban poison seed so soon i might actually have a strain growing but as of right now these are bag seed. for the soil im using miracle grow moister control soil,i hear alot of people on here that dont agree with miracle grow because it's not organic but to be honest i dont really care about that haha,and i havnt given them any fertilizer or anything yet,however i did add some pine shredds on top of the dirt the other day to help the soil hold moister.


Active Member
well here are some new pictures for you for those who care t look.i think they are doing pretty good they seem pretty healthy,no signs of sex yet either8.jpg7.jpgPicture 011.jpg


Well-Known Member
thats cool, honestly bagseed thread always intresting, i always save them and like to plant them and do crosses and shit to try and make a better strain.


Active Member
ive never grown anything but bagseed haha. But if i treat the plants good and everything i think it will produce a pretty good smoke, mids is just badly handled stuff imo.But i also forgot to mention that i just checked my plants and one is starting to show off her lady parts :3 the others have yet to show their sex yet though.


Active Member
sorry i havnt really posted anymore pictures m camera ran out of batteries but they are still growing and look healthy


Active Member
ok,so i have new pictures now finally! 100_0143.jpg100_0144.jpg100_0145.jpg100_0148.jpg the last picture is of the plant that has showed its white hairs. Tell me what you think!


Active Member
ok so my plants are starting to get too big for my cages, and ive been seeing spots where armadillos have been digging around so im thinking about just buying a little fence to put around my spot,but here are some pictures of them,if you have any advice for me please give it to me unless it looks like im doing everything right.

This is my oldest plant:
And this spot has 2 plants in it:
This is the plant that showed sex,i think i might have stressed it into showing but im not sure its a weird plant:


Active Member
well one plant went male so i disposed of it,it was one of my favorite plants too! hopefully the rest will be nice females


Active Member
you might want to use a lil more nitrogen if you think it wont burn them just so you can get the full fan leaves it looks like youve got all 3 blade leaves, but they look real good.


Well-Known Member
nitrogen keeps the plants green and healthy growth. but wont affect the number of fingers on a leaf. the plant shoots out the singles usually after being topped or cloned or stunted in some way. and the plant will either gradually get all its leaves back or continue to throw out 3's and 1's


Well-Known Member
False.. The plant starts with single leafs then 3's then 5's and so on. I've seen sativas with 11 blades per leaf. Also when you top the plant the new shoots will have leaves with the same count as where you cut off..

Oh and Taylor.. Plants look pretty good man. One thing I noticed is that it looks very damp where they are? They look a bit droopy because of these conditions, although it could work to your advantage later in the season if these are natural conditions. Also you mentoned having two plants together. This is largely NOT recommended incase you have a male. You also always want to keep space so the plant and roots have room to develope fully.