OUTDOOR GROW EXPERTISE NEEDED...Check out my photo! Thanx!

Hi this is my first outdoor grow in a 15x7x7 greenhouse. I am growing in 30 gal smart pots and have a total of 8 plants. I water my girls once a week, I give them nutrients every other week and flush them every other week with pH water. (When I water they get 5 gal each.)

My questions or should I be watering more than once a week or is my water schedule ok that I'm doing for now?

What can I do to get my girls to grow wide and bushy? As of now they are growing to tall and I would prefer to have them grow wide and bushy.

Any advice would be very helpul. Thank you for your expertise.

garden photo.jpg



Well-Known Member
Wow they're looking great. That sativa is certainly reaching for the sun. For wide and bushy plants start topping them and tying down the branches to allow side branches to reach up and grow like a top(lst). Ur plants will tell u when they need watered. If u can stick ur finger over an inch in the soil and it's dry, I'd say it's time to water. When they get bigger ull need to water more often. Jus my two cents as I stroll by.


Well-Known Member
Howdy, nice plants..........you will have to step up watering as they get bigger, plus its gonna be getting hotter.....Right now with my 100g smart pot it is 20 gallons of water every other day or I could get away with 5 gallons everyday but keep in mind mine are huge already and when they were smaller they did not need to be watered as much and would be watered like 5 gallons every week or until very top of soil was dry.......I would imagine that you would need to start watering more soon.

Right now at 5 gallons a day, the top will be dry the next morning because they are so big plus it was like 108 the other day so they dry quicker.......hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
You have some nice looking plants which look like they will outgrow your greenhouse, to bush them as was previously said you can top them (pinch them out) or train them by bending the tops down.

I personally have my plants in smaller solid pots that allow me to tilt or even lay them down on a stand if they get too tall.
I love the Sativa plants, and I always let mine go for an extra two weeks, the cold seems to make them really sticky.

Watering is best not done to a schedule, but rather done to requirement you can use the finger in the soil method or go by pot weight (which looks like you can’t do), just watering because you always do it on a specific day is not the correct way to do it, weather and life cycle determines how much water the plant will drink and therefore how much you need to water.

Here is four simple things you can do to prevent yourself from having difficulty later on, they are as follows:-

1 – Prevent attack from flying insect by covering all openings with netting; doing this will keeps moths away and other flying insects that may harbor mites.

2 – Prevent crawling insect by covering the floor with Rhubarb leaves; the leaves of a Rhubarb plant contains Oxalic Acid which is toxic to insects, and also toxic to animals if ingested.

3 – To stave of large temperature swings you can store sealed canisters of water inside the greenhouse; the water will heat up during the day and re-radiate heat during the night which is a bit like a storage heater and dampens the effect of hot day / cold night temperature swings.
Some people even keep a compost heap inside large poly-tunnels as a form of heating.

4 – Prevent Molds by investing in a sulfur burner (vaporizer) and some fans; the sulfur burner burns for 15 minutes an hour after night falls and again another 15 minutes an hour before sunrise. Doors and windows need to be shut when using a sulfur burner and the burner must not be used while the temperature is above 90°F

Another thing to note is if you detect condensation on the inside of the greenhouse walls, you are in danger of getting mold and you should vent you greenhouse to prevent this.