Outdoor grow in Illinois


Active Member
I have about 50 seeds and I am starting from seed and planning on growing in a wooded area on private property. I am friends with the owner of the land and he knows whats going on so i need some advice on what to do next?:peace:


Active Member
Read as much as you can on this site, use the search feature or search riu through google. I bet most of your questions have already been answered on here about a million times you just gotta do some reading. Ur not gonna become a pro over night. there's no quick way for anyone to tell you what to do next. Saying that you have 50 seeds going into the woods isnt near enough info for anyone to give you much help anyways. You just gotta do some leg work bro, its how we all start out. I read books for about a year before I started tryin to grow and still managed to fuck up many times along the way. Good luck


Well-Known Member
WOW, ill try an make list of things to reasearch..... i would start with bagseeds tell you get your thumb green.
First learn germination, an germ some to put in soil. i use paper towel its my daisy.
then reasearch soil mixes an get one chosen an ready in you area.
then look in to watering an fertilizing, Dont over water they cant live in total mud, an dont fertilize it for 3 weeks from sprout an start fertz weak.
then reasearch when to harvest .
also familarize your self with the common problems, ie low nitrogen ,nito brun , mites, low phosphorus so you can diagnose problems berofe they are out of hand.

if your hit any problems ask here with pics an someone will help you.

The more you read the better it will grow. (also search u-tube) Read all the grow gides you can find on the the seed companys sites an on the net.

Good luck grower!


Well-Known Member
Dont get caught... big jail time for that many plants.. check out norml.com for ILs laws pertaining to MJ.. fuck its cold out tonight