Outdoor grow start up


Active Member
im looking to do an outdoor grow this coming summer. was wondering whats the best way to water them when im not around. also whats better to plant them in the ground of have them in bags/pots?


Well-Known Member
i like the ground more for 2 reason

1. you can water them enough to where you only have to water once every 3 days or so

2.you dont really have to worry about root rot


Active Member
thats what i was thinking too. is there any type of watering systems that check the soil moisture so that the plants will be watered when needed?


Well-Known Member
The ground beats containers hands down. For size and ease of care.
And the watering system depends on ur stealth needs. But IME the only thing that helps is adding some peat moss to your soil mix to help hold moisture longer. They also sell soil w/ "water crystals" in it that holds water longer than normal soil.


Well-Known Member
there's this but I've never used one, just thot about it, but not sure how feasible it would be.
[h=1]Treegator Junior Pro 15-Gallon Slow Release Watering Bag for Trees and Shrubs[/h] Treegator [HR][/HR]


Active Member
that bag looks pretty interesting, might try it out on a couple. i was thinking of getting a gas powered pump and a long hose with some holes in it to water the plants. i was also thinking of getting a solar powered one to but im to paranoid of it giving off a reflection for choppers to see.