Outdoor grow using jacks, questions


Well-Known Member
I ordered jacks classic 20-20-20 to use on my girls. They seem to love it, The thing I'm confused about is whether or not I should be using bloom booster now and classic? Maybe alternating them or something,I had assumed you didnt use bloom booster until flowering started. I still. Have a couple months of verging to go

The mixture I'm using so far is about a table spoon per 2 gallons of water, basically half of what the tub says

Can I step it up and be safe?


Well-Known Member
i used it last year....bloom is for bloom...flower/budding
i used the 20-20-20 till they start to flower...
i mixed half of each for 2 weeks when i switched....
check the ph when you feed...
i still have like 5 lbs of each...i don't know when i will ever use it...shit lasts forever....
im using maxsea this year....my plants seem to like it more....

how much do use use when you feed.... water and powder? they in pots/ground?


Well-Known Member
There in the ground, flood plain soil mixed with pro mix bx.

I water them every few days depending on rain and I put in one table spoon in a 2 gallon jug. So roughly 1 1/2 teaspoon per gallon.... Half of what the box says

The plants would be over 2 feet tall now but I am doing LST. They were looking awesome yesterday before I LST for the second time and they look a lil rough after ghat, but they'll fill in nicely this week with all this sunshine


Well-Known Member
be on the lookout for leaf curling at the tips...if you see it back off a bit..
i did a 2 TBS in a 5 gallon bucket once a week...and split it with 2 plants...
i had to back off on a few of the girls....also salt build up can be a bitch...
i'm feeding jacks to some wild blackberries this year...


Well-Known Member
1 1/2 teaspoons per gallon 1x a week... About half of what the box says

A lot of guys here say only use bloom booster during flowering but the box says to use it before and maybe use all purpose one watering and blossom booster the next, then it goes onto say you can give them a shot of both at the same time once a week "the dynamic duo".


Well-Known Member
R u sure? Read it again cause mine clearly says 1 tbs per gallon..... I've been using 1 tbs per 2 gallons which is 1 1/2 tsp, half the strength of what they reccomend