Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, just got a quick ?. i just started a few plants inside but i have some extra seeds and was wondering what is the best time to plant marijuana outside and would it be better to start the seeds off inside? also i live in Oregon and all of your feedback is very helpful thanks. :bigjoint: bongsmilie :sleep:


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, just got a quick ?. i just started a few plants inside but i have some extra seeds and was wondering what is the best time to plant marijuana outside and would it be better to start the seeds off inside? also i live in Oregon and all of your feedback is very helpful thanks. :bigjoint: bongsmilie :sleep:
Start them now inside and veg the piss out of them and when you feel the time is right, finish them outside. You can keep the plants VEGGING for years if needed.


Well-Known Member
^^WTF? For years?^^


You heard me right....YEARS. If you keep your lights on for 18 hours or better, your plants will remain in a VEG state.

12-12 tricks them into flowering.

I guess not many know but anyway you can keep a clone mother alive this way for years and pull clones off her asss....


Well-Known Member
would 24 hours hurt the plants under about 3 or 4 - 4 foot fluoro lights? or do they need the little bit off night time? just wondering cuz its easier to leave them on and the room wont get cold and will stay perfect emp with these lights on.


Active Member
You heard me right....YEARS. If you keep your lights on for 18 hours or better, your plants will remain in a VEG state.

12-12 tricks them into flowering.

I guess not many know but anyway you can keep a clone mother alive this way for years and pull clones off her asss....
That's fucking amazing, I learn something new everyday! This is also my first day so sorry for the noobness. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
so does anyone know about if a 24 hour day would hurt a plant if i just want it in veg stage? and also would 3 or 4 - four foot fluoro shop lites b enough?


Well-Known Member
I start seedlings in 24 hour light for about 3 weeks but I'm not too sure about the vege state. Fluoro lights do not generate much heat which means you can put them only inches away from the tops of your plants. The amount of lights you need depends all on the number of plants your growing and the space your growing in. I believe the general rule of thumb is 2000 lumens per square foot will work, 2500 is good, and 3000 is optimal. If you only have a few plants, pick up a fixture that holds two 4 foot fluoro bulbs. If you're planning to move them outdoors theres really no need to invest in any lighting more serious than fluoros. My personal opinion would be that if you want to keep a 24 hour light cycle for convenience, invest a few bucks in a timer and you're set.


Active Member
i got some Plant & Aquarium flourescents from Wall-Mart and used them on 5 plants for 2 weeks. the plants barley leafed but the stems grew like crazy, got too long and leaned over. i hand to tie them up and now i'm wondering if they will depend on that stick to hold them up forever. also they were just seeds out of my latest bag of weed so i was wondering if i should just forget about those plants and get some real strains. they've been growing for almos a month and a half now. they've been outside for a week now and the leaf growth looks better. their total height is only 6-7 inches. pretty bad huh...this is my first grow. WHAT DO YOU RECOMEND? Were those lights i was using good to plant indoors and even flower?