Outdoor Guerilla UK Super Auto 1st Grow

Yeh I will I think we've diluted this thread enough haha

Update + pictures coming tuesday OR tomorrow if I get too impatient like how I'm feeling now haha


Well-Known Member
Ah bad times dude was wondering how u were doing , i went to check if last grow was there but couldnt enter the field due to about a million electric fences just couldnt be arsed with it lol. 2 days of rain and a bit wind everything fallen over im guessing ?
Okay so i expected problems with my first grow but not this major but hey theres still hope.

So i went to the site today, expecting to see aleast some shooting but there was nothing and i shat my self when i took the lid off my seedling box i saw that there was loads of mold on the surface of the soil It was obiously TOO humid.
SNC00439.jpgSo i ended up tipping out my soil and all to try and find the seeds and what had happened, when emptying i found that the seeds where way too far down in the soil, no idea how this happened :(
I only recovered two seeds, the super cali haze and the himalaya blue diesel. So i am for the record putting Annapurna and nirvana sky down as DEAD unless they sprout. I am still giving them a chance if they are in the soil as i tipped all the soil back into the containers.

Now onto the seeds i did find, The Super Cali-Haze seemed to have made absolutley no progress at all, and it had browned alittle Anyone any idea why???

I found The HBD seed and it seems to have made quite alot of progress but obiously hasnt broken dirt because i burried it too damn deep ! It also looks like i planted it in the wrong way round so the root has had to bend round on itself.

I have replanted both the SCH and the HBD seed about 1/4 inch down in mostly vermiculite, I really hope that at least the HBD can really take off, Even one small auto giving me bud will be a plus to this project.
Here they are back in the seedling box but without the excess water bottle that was making it so humid in there, just hope that things perk up abit next time i see them.

I am thinking of getting a few more super autos or just a load of normal autos as its not too late and i also have 10L of perlite and 10L of vermiculite to use up.

Thanks for looking and any input is appreciated :leaf:


Well-Known Member
awwww thats a shame dude had that happen to me before , i now try and germ my seedling a little longer until there atleast an inch of root.

have u tried doing any outside of that box ? i had a propergation box with my rooting pellets 12 seeds not one came through , did some just in the cab and they all worked.

guess HBD was wrong way round ? have you tried to save it ?
Hmm I'm thinking of buying some more normal autos seeds
And use the perlite and vermiculite instead of the heavy soil mix I had for these

And I'll deffo germ for longer

Hmm might be worth while trying some outside the box like you say


Well-Known Member
haha yeah know the feeling mate fingers are crossed on my ghetto grow most say it wont work but then alot of people think im doing well heh.

Shame they didnt come through hopefully the next ones will. Shame we have to protect our identities cuz ive got 2 i need to give away, they'll probably just get chopped :(
haha ghetto's the way it does look like your doing well, well from a newb grower at least :)

Yer hopefully, im going not feminised to save money and hoepfully get some seeds.

Haha yer if there was a little freedom in this country things would be easier hah
hmm fuckers.


Well-Known Member
Yeah screw fem seed prices, i saved my seeds from my nice smoke over the years. i quite like not knowing what strain im going to get aswell makes it a bit more interesting lol

cant w8 todo my next grow will be sweet, i know alot more now and learnt from my mistakes lol , i was going to chuck these and start again but they budded so hey ho with the flow i go :P


Active Member
I've given a read:

growing outdoor is hard, but growing guerilla outdoor is very hard. don't lose hope =)

you should plant the sprouts upside down, seed facing up sprout down.

I have the exact same strains, I'm trying a guerilla grow too. *I've also shopped from the same seedbank*

Hmm, I think you should start indoors and than move outdoors after some root development. Your second attempt (hopefully) won't fail, but it has a high failure perc as you are growing first time.
(I've grown indoors before, still I fail guerilla outdoors -too many things can go wrong-)

Wish the best,
Okay cheers mate, thanks for the pep talk ;)

Unfortunately inside growing isn't possible at all, I live at parents atm

You got a journal at all?

Thanks for looking in
Hey guys im not going to be updating this thread sorry for being a dissapointment, Thanks alot to everyone who contriubted i will be taking away your info and if i do anything amazing ill probs just put up in The UK Growers thread i know i few of you are subbed to that

I am growing but not gunna publish as such, safety etc. :/

So thanks again to everyone and see you round the forums :)