Outdoor Latvian grow.

Hay, i post first time and i want show you, what can do snails @ Latvia.. Smaller girl is autoflowering short ryder and biger is autoflowering Blue Mystic.

This girl is smaller - 02072012454.jpg
And this girl ir biger - 06072012463.jpg06072012461.jpg You can see around pot, it is a salt, snails dont like salt.. Girls have suffered a lot hope will girls grow biger and biger and give big yield. Maybe rollitup brains can help me how to fight with snails?


Well-Known Member
Put rings of salt around the bottom of your pots.
did you even bother to read what he posted? you're like donny in the big lebowski.

to the OP, shards of glass are very effective as well, can be placed inside and outside of the pot, and will not fuck with the soil as salt does.

disregard any further input from kaendar, he is law enforcement.


Well-Known Member
Dont put salt anywhere near the soil, put it on the ground around the pot. Disregard any further input from UncleBuck, he is a pathologically lying troll.


Active Member
Dont put salt anywhere near the soil, put it on the ground around the pot. Disregard any further input from UncleBuck, he is a pathologically lying troll.
You're the biggest fucking troll i've met.
Maybe you should stop posting without reading as much and stop trying to be a weed whiz, which clearly you are not.
And yeah no shit, thats kinda why he put it on the ground no?


Well-Known Member
You're the biggest fucking troll i've met.
Maybe you should stop posting without reading as much and stop trying to be a weed whiz, which clearly you are not.
And yeah no shit, thats kinda why he put it on the ground no?
Kaendar is definitly not a troll, you people are just ignorant and disrespectful to people.


Well-Known Member
Don't be afraid to try Diatomaceous earth. I believe it is the crushed silicon bodies of ancient diatoms and is as sharp as glass without salting up you dirt. You could also sneak out to your garden in the cool of the night with a salt shaker. Not only does it work but it's fun...:dunce:


Well-Known Member
no no no...don't use salt or broken glass. :wall:. Brake up some egg shells and put them around the base of your plant (in the pot). This will keep sails and slugs away plus it will give it a little cal. If you have some, copper wire is the best, make a ring around the stock but not touching it...and leave room for growth. Here's a pic of mine and what it should look like.
